Copy of Community Demo held on 11th Aug-23

Feedback to Incorporate:

  • The score of attempts is not clear-relook at the score that is being displayed is for which attempt in biometric capture. - Yet to fix.

  • Relook at the font size and color considering the fact that Android Reg Client will be used outdoors in bright sunlight. - Yet to fix.

  • Rename Face "scan" to Face "capture" - Yet to fix.

  • Soft keyboard fixed for based on language - Yet to fix.

Scope For Next Community Demo:

  • Template fixes in preview and acknowledgment page (for document and biometric data)- - In progress

  • Auto packet sync and auto packet upload - In progress

  • Run Android Reg Client on tablet with real device in place - Fixed

Community Related:

  • Ponder upon this- How do community folks run and test Android Reg Client on their systems by themselves without our intervention?

  • Community engagements- streamline the following:

    1. Post the recorded videos

    2. How to take builds?

    3. How often is new build deployed?

    4. How to develop on the build....etc.......