Copy of ARC 0.9.0 DevOps Release Checklist

Lead DevOps engineer of the project to ensure all the below checklist tasks are performed and the status is updated before the post-release activity.

Repo owner


Lock the branches


Nexus publish

Docker build

Github release

Docker signed

Release check

Revert POM Version

Merge to master

Docs update

Deployment testing

Execute Test Automation run


<Repo Name 1>

<Repo Name 2>

<Repo Name 3>

<Repo Name 4>

<Repo Name 5>

<Repo Name 6>

for any release, attached template needs to be used as a check list to make sure that all the release aspects as met during the process



  • The list of tasks against which the status needs to be updated. Since it’s a template, go ahead to add/modify as required