Copy of Phase-1: 07-Feb-2022

Meeting overview

  • Meeting goals

  • Key attendees

  • Processes

Emoji :white_check_mark: Open action items

Emoji :pencil: Meeting minutes




Notes, decisions and action items

Feb 7, 2022


From TOGO: Joel, Morle, Parfait & Yasmine

  1. Training Plan - approach

  2. Togo to confirm the team members who are all part of the training.


  1. Deployment steps can be multiple sessions and should be recorded.

  2. Togo team is available weekly 3 days (Mon, Wed & Fri) for training.


  1. Prepare Training schedule including date & time for Phase 1.

  1. Biometric devices needs to be shipped as early as possible and share the tracking number.

  1. /decision
  2. Training approach has been confirmed as mentioned below

    1. Conceptual & architectural technology learning.
    (Documents, Videos & Sessions)
    2. Demonstrations after every iteration.
    3. MOSIP team can ask TOGO to do some customizations to get the team comfortable.
    4. MOSIP & TOGO can do a joint workshop.
    5. And Togo team can try new features, demo the same to us.
  3. TOGO: All four will be attending the training and if any new member to the team then they can train them.