Part -1 To configure and build the partner management tool
Step 1:
Download the zip file of the Partner-management tool using the link given below
note: download the appropriate branch needed(Here used is 1.2.0).
Step 2:
Unzip and through the path → gist-1.2.0\partnermanagement\src\main\resources
5. Now Build the tool using the command given below and refer the picture for the build path.
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
6. After the successful build, A target folder is been generated.
Now run the jar using the command given below and refer the picture for the path.
java -jar partnermanagement-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
7. By running the jar, the below swagger url will be accessible to create the partner.
Part-2 To Create User for Device and Ftm partner in keycloak
Step 1:
Login to the keycloak --> users --> add users-->fill in the details and save.
2. For FTM partner -mpartner-L1-ftm-01.
Step 2:
Set the password in the credentials option.
Note : Copy the password from the of the Partner management tool
and use here.
Step 3:
For the created user assign the roles in the role mapping option as below.
Part-3 To Register AUTH partner
Step 1:
To Register auth partner, Use the swagger (refer part 1-- > step 7)-->
configure partner/create partner configureL1Device → try it out--> copy and paste the below given body
You’ve created. Refer below.
"configurationType": "MOCK",
"deviceProvider": {
"partnerAddress": "Bengaluru",
"partnerContactNumber": "9999999999",
"partnerEmailId": "",
"partnerId": "mpartner-l1-device-01",
"partnerOrganizationName": "mpartner-l1-device-01",
"partnerType": "DEVICE"
"environmentVersion": "LTS",
"ftmProvider": {
"partnerAddress": "Bengaluru",
"partnerContactNumber": "9999999999",
"partnerEmailId": "",
"partnerId": "mpartner-l1-ftm-01",
"partnerOrganizationName": "mpartner-l1-ftm-01",
"partnerType": "FTM"
Step 5 :
After the partner creation, .p12 file will be generated inside the temp folder. Find the temp folder
C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Temp\IDA-localhost\mpartner-device-01 (Or Use windows + R and search %temp%)
Step 6 :
Copy the device partner certificate some where and rename as mentioned below
3. ftm-partner.p12 as mosipfingerslapftm.p12 (for fingers)
Step 7 :
Download the latest mock MDS .zip from the URL:
Place the device certificates created in the certificate paths as highlighted below in the mock MDS:
Modify the “” file as below after placing the certificates are placed.
Modify the below changes in the “” file.
Build the MDS in the command prompt in the same directory where the pom file exists
run “mvn clean install”, a target folder will be generated and it can be used as the mock mds folder further.Run the Run.bat file to run the mock mds, The highlighted line shows that the mock mds is running.