D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\NativeWuriGuinea\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK
D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\NativeWuriGuinea\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\bin
D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\NativeWuriGuinea\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\lib
Go to the location of tech5 biosdk -> inside bin folder → open the path in the command prompt:
Example : D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\NativeWuriGuinea\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\binRun this command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe as shown in the image
In the output you will find the command to generate the request file,copy the command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe –request
Run the command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe –request inside the path of bin folder to get the request file.