Versions Compared


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This is how Appium server initial page opens, Here we need to update the Hostas given in the Appium Inspector named as Remote Host example:

Post which we can start the server, Once server started you can see the server like below:


Appium Inspector:


  • Here we have to add the Desired Capabilities to run the flutter app. This will contain basic information about the app.
    Let see some example:

image-20240322-051112.pngImage Added

JSON Presentation:

Code Block
  "appium:deviceName": "sdk_gphone_x86", // Device in which the app is running
  "appium:automationName": "UiAutomator2", // Test Name
  "platformName": "android", // OS
  "appium:appPackage": "com.example.image_cropper_example", //App package name
  "appium:appActivity": "com.example.image_cropper_example.MainActivity", // Package name with main activity extention
  "appium:noReset": true

Post which we add the data, Can click on start session to run the Appium inspector to perform the testing. After connected to the Phone / Device can check the ID shown in the below screenshot.

After selecting particular element / widget we can see the Resource ID in the right side panel.

image-20240322-053226.pngImage Added

This is how we add resource ID to our flutter app.