This is how Appium server initial page opens, Here we need to update the Host
as given in the Appium Inspector named as Remote Host
Post which we can start the server, Once server started you can see the server like below:
Appium Inspector:
Here we have to add the Desired Capabilities to run the flutter app. This will contain basic information about the app.
Let see some example:
JSON Presentation:
Code Block |
{ "appium:deviceName": "sdk_gphone_x86", // Device in which the app is running "appium:automationName": "UiAutomator2", // Test Name "platformName": "android", // OS "appium:appPackage": "com.example.image_cropper_example", //App package name "appium:appActivity": "com.example.image_cropper_example.MainActivity", // Package name with main activity extention "appium:noReset": true } |
Post which we add the data, Can click on start session to run the Appium inspector to perform the testing. After connected to the Phone / Device can check the ID shown in the below screenshot.
After selecting particular element / widget we can see the Resource ID in the right side panel.
This is how we add resource ID to our flutter app.