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Android Registration Client


  • Display Language: Display Language refers to the language used for rendering UI elements such as labels and headings. With the Android Registration Client, Operators have the option to choose their preferred language for UI display. This language selection can be made on the login screen. Currently, the supported display languages include Arabic, French, and English.

            New       New languages can be added by following the below steps:


  1. Operator onboarding: To log in to the Android Registration Client, the operator must complete the onboarding process. This functionality is available only during the first online login. The operator will need to onboard by capturing their fingerprints, thumbprints, iris, and face. Once these are duly captured, the operator can start registering residents and using other services.

  2. Update Operator onboarding: The Operators can also update their biometrics. In this scenario, the Operator will have to capture all their biometrics. By doing this, the previous biometrics captured during Operator Onboarding will be overridden by the newly captured biometrics.

  3. Dashboard: The Operator can access the dashboard where he can view the following:

    1. Packets created: This will show the total number of packets created from the time the Android Registration Client was installed.

    2. Packets Synced: This will show the total number of packets synced from the time the Android Registration Client was installed.

    3. Packets Uploaded: This will show the total number of packets uploaded from the time the Android Registration Client was installed.

    4. User details:

      1. User ID: This will show the list of User IDs of the Users mapped to the device.

      2. Username: This will show the list of usernames of the Users mapped to the device.

      3. Status: This will show the status of Users mapped to the device. This can take values such as onboarded, active, inactive, etc.

  4. Supervisor's Approval: Once the packet is created by the Operator, as an additional check, Supervisor will have to go through each application to make sure the details filled are in coherence. At this stage the Supervisor can either Approve the Application or he can Reject it. If the Supervisor decides to reject it, they also will have to mandatorily mention the reason of rejection. Once the Application has been Approved or Rejected, the Supervisor will have to authentication himself by entering his Username and Password. Once they have successfully authenticated, the Application will be removed from the “Supervisor’s Approval” section and will be moved to “Manage Application” Section.

PS: This feature will only be available for a users having “Supervisor” role.

  1. Manual Application upload/export: Once the Application is either Approved or Rejected by the Supervisor, those packets can be uploaded to the server from “Manage Application” section. If there is internet connectivity, the packet will be synced and uploaded to the server but in case of lack of internet connectivity, the User can also export the packet to their local device storage.

  2. Update UIN: In a scenario where the Resident wants to update their data, they can do so by letting the Operator know their UIN and the data that needs to be updated. Residents can update their demographic details, documents and biometrics using this feature.

  3. Logout: Using this feature, once the user is done with their registration and other activities, they can logout. If there are no background tasks running, the user will be immediately logged out. While if there are tasks (like sync) running in the background, the user will be notified about the same. From here if the User wants to cancel logout, the background activities will keep running where as if the user choses to logout, they will be logged out and the background activities will be terminated.

Configuration Guide

To read through the comprehensive list of configurable properties for the Android Registration Client, refer Android Registration Client Configuration Guide.
