Versions Compared


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  1. Update Operator onboarding: The Operators can also update their biometrics. In this scenario, the Operator will have to capture all their biometrics. On doing this, the previous biometrics captured during Operator Onboarding will be overridden by the newly captured biometrics. Steps to update Operator’s Biometrics:

    1. From the Home page, go to “Operational Tasks”

      1. Screenshot_20240528-152836-20240528-100128.png

    2. Select “Update Operator Biometrics”

      1. image-20240528-101747.png

    3. The user will be taken to the Biometrics Capture Homepage where he will be able to see all the below biometrics:

      1. Face capture

      2. Iris capture

      3. Left hand finger capture

      4. Right hand finger capture

      5. Thumb capture

      6. image-20240612-074139.png

    4. The user will then have to capture all the above listed biometrics one by one

    5. Steps to capture the biometrics is given above - put hyperlink here

    6. Once all the biometrics are duly updated, the below ackowledgement message will be displayed on the screen.


Handles Feature:

Assumption: Handles feature is enabled. Email Id is marked as Handles.

Scenarios: The resident is trying to log into Resident Portal using Handles (i.e. email Id)

Step #1:

Step #1:

Step #1:

Step #1: