Flutter SDK (>33.10.4): Install Flutter by following the official Flutter installation guide.
Android Studio (or Any IDE of your choice): Download and install Android Studio from the official Android Studio website.
Clone the Repository:
The feature-flutter develop branch of android-reg-client is currently being actively developed. If you wish to access this branch, you can clone the repository by executing the following command in your terminal. Alternatively, you can download one of the releases available in the repository's release section.
Code Block language bash git clone -b feature-flutterdevelop https://github.com/mosip/android-registration-client.git
Active Branches:
developerrelease-release/flutter/0.9.x (developer release branch)
feature-flutter develop (active development branch)
Set up Mock MDS for Biometric Scan.
Mock MDS can be used to mock functionalities of biometric devices. Mock MDS application is CTK compliant and can work as a stand in replacement of android sbi modules for testing and validation.
Install the mock mds application.
In Device Config, select: “Registration” from dropdown
In P12 Config:
Fill Device Key credentials and upload Device P12 file.
Fill FTM Key credentials and upload FTM P12 file.
Fill all fields in MOSIP IDA Config.
In Modality Config, set the quality score for Face, Finger and Iris. (these values can also be modified during testing)
Click on “SAVE”.
Result for validation success will be displayed as toast message.
The Android Registration Client is licensed under the Apache MIT License 2.0.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.