Tech5 Windows SDK helps to check the quality of biometrics, 1:1 verify and 1:N search capabilities for the enrollment client. Quality check is used to access quality of the capture to ensure only good quality of biometrics to be enrolled. 1:N is used for operator search to ensure operator biometrics are not sent as subjects data.1:1 is used for operator authentication.
This is a step-by-step guide on how to configure the tech5 Windows Biosdk with the registration client.
Tech5 Windows Client OmniMatch BioSDK(v5.0.0):
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\NativeWuriGuinea\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK
D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\NativeWuriGuinea\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\bin
D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\NativeWuriGuinea\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\lib
Go to the location of tech5 biosdk -> inside bin folder → open the path in the command prompt:
Example : D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\NativeWuriGuinea\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\binRun this command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe as shown in the image
In the output you will find the command to generate the request file,copy the command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe –request
Run the command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe –request inside the path of bin folder to get the request file.
Place the (Take the config properties from tech5 native folder) and license file to the root folder of the registration client.
Inside the change the folder path and licence file path and save.
Modify the Registration client run.bat file with tech5 biosdk path in application start command file will look like as shown below.(Replace entire run.bat file with below content).
Code Block @echo off if exist .UNKNOWN_JARS ( FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (.UNKNOWN_JARS) DO DEL /Q lib\%%x ) if exist .TEMP ( echo Starting Registration Client after Upgrade xcopy /f/k/y/v/q .TEMP lib && rmdir /s /q .TEMP && start jre\bin\javaw -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -Dai.tech5.biosdk.provider.config=./ -DuseMosipLogger=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp lib/*;/* io.mosip.registration.controller.Initialization > startup.log 2>&1 ) else ( echo Starting Registration Client start jre\bin\javaw -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dai.tech5.biosdk.provider.config=./ -DuseMosipLogger=true -cp lib/*;/* io.mosip.registration.controller.Initialization > startup.log 2>&1 )
Modify the properties in the mosip-config repository, to enable local deduplication and then restart the config server in the rancher.
Code Block mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.version=0.9 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.args= mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.threshold=60 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.version=0.9 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.args= mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.threshold=60 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.version=0.9 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.args= mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.threshold=60 mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.finger.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.iris.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.face.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.registration.mds.deduplication.enable.flag=Y