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Writing a custom component


Add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file:

flutter_dynamic_forms: <latest version>

To implement a custom component you need to provide 3 classes: ParserModel, and Renderer. Parsers and Models then need to be registered when you are building the form. Let's show it on the CheckBox example:


This class controls how the component would be deserialized into a corresponding model class. It works on both XML and JSON. The parserNode parameter contains a collection of methods that let you parse values from the current XML/JSON node. Use the ElementParserFunction parser parameter of the parse method to recursively parse children nodes.

import 'package:dynamic_forms/dynamic_forms.dart';
import 'check_box.dart';

class CheckBoxParser extends FormElementParser<CheckBox> {
  String get name => 'checkBox';

  FormElement getInstance() => CheckBox();

  void fillProperties(
    CheckBox checkBox,
    ParserNode parserNode,
    Element? parent,
    ElementParserFunction parser,
  ) {
    super.fillProperties(checkBox, parserNode, parent, parser);
      ..labelProperty = parserNode.getStringProperty('label')
      ..valueProperty = parserNode.getBoolProperty(
        isImmutable: false,


Model is the main component definition without any Flutter dependency. A component can extend another component inheriting all the properties. It can also contain components as its children. Every property can contain either a simple value or an expression that is evaluated to the value. To be able to cover both of those cases all the properties must be defined using Property<T> syntax. Properties are stored in a single map called properties so you can easily traverse the whole component tree. It is a good idea to create getters and setters around this map so you can easily access and set property values.

import 'package:dynamic_forms/dynamic_forms.dart';

class CheckBox extends FormElement {
  static const String labelPropertyName = 'label';
  static const String valuePropertyName = 'value';

  Property<String> get labelProperty => properties[labelPropertyName];
  set labelProperty(Property<String> value) =>
      registerProperty(labelPropertyName, value);
  String get label =>
  Stream<String> get labelChanged => labelProperty.valueChanged;

  Property<bool> get valueProperty => properties[valuePropertyName];
  set valueProperty(Property<bool> value) =>
      registerProperty(valuePropertyName, value);
  bool get value =>
  Stream<bool> get valueChanged => valueProperty.valueChanged;

  FormElement getInstance() {
    return CheckBox();


This class simply takes the model and returns a Flutter widget. You can also subscribe to the changes in the properties so your widget will be properly updated when something happens on the model. For this purpose use the Stream defined on each property or use the component property propertyChanged which returns Stream and emits value whenever any property changes. To redefine the UI of the default components inside flutter_dynamic_forms_components simply define your renderers for the existing models. You can even have multiple renderers and show a different UI on a different screen. Use the FormElementRendererFunction renderer parameter of the render method to recursively render children.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_dynamic_forms/flutter_dynamic_forms.dart';

import 'check_box.dart';

class CheckBoxRenderer extends FormElementRenderer<CheckBox> {
  Widget render(
      CheckBox element,
      BuildContext context,
      FormElementEventDispatcherFunction dispatcher,
      FormElementRendererFunction renderer) {
    return Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
      child: Row(
        children: <Widget>[
            initialData: element.value,
            stream: element.valueChanged,
            builder: (context, snapshot) {
              return Checkbox(
                onChanged: (value) => dispatcher(
                        value: value,
            padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 8),
            child: StreamBuilder<String>(
              initialData: element.label,
              stream: element.labelChanged,
              builder: (context, snapshot) {
                return Text(;