Certificates for Kubernetes cluster as part of SandboxV2 installation gets expired every 1 year..

So the same needs to be reknewed following below mentioned steps:

(blue star) Instructions

  1. Login to the master node

  2. kubeadm alpha certs check-expiration

  3. kubeadm alpha certs renew all

  4. mkdir  /tmp/manifests 

  5. mv /etc/kubernetes/manifests/* /tmp/manifests/

  6. wait for few mins

  7. mv /tmp/manifests/* /etc/kubernetes/manifests/

  8. cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config

  9. exit from master

  10. from console run scp root@mzmaster:/root/.kube/config ~/.kube/mzcluster.config

  11. also , source .bashrc

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