Note: Timing Mentioned in PHT According to the countries time will differ

1)Registration Report Per day

SELECT reg_type,count(reg_type) FROM regprc.registration where cr_dtimes >= '2022-07-18 16:00:00' and cr_dtimes <= '2022-07-19 15:59:59' group by reg_type;

2) Uins are Generated per day

select count(*) From registration where status_code='PROCESSED' and latest_trn_type_code='PRINT_SERVICE' and latest_trn_dtimes >= '2022-07-25 16:00:00' and latest_trn_dtimes <= '2022-07-26 15:59:59';

3) Stage-wise Report Per day

select trn_type_code, status_code, count(id),COUNT(DISTINCT reg_id) from regprc.registration_transaction where
(cr_dtimes between '2022-06-19 16:00:00' and '2022-06-20 15:59:59')
group by trn_type_code, status_code order by trn_type_code

Sample 2-hour Report

4)Print Records Per day

select count(*) from credential.credential_transaction where status_code='ISSUED' and issuancedate>='2022-07-26 16:00:00' and issuancedate <= '2022-07-27 15:59:59' and request like '%print%';

5)Template extraction Per day

select status_code,count(*) from credential.credential_transaction where upd_dtimes>='2023-03-02 00:00:00' and upd_dtimes <= '2023-03-02 23:59:59' and request like '%mpartner-default-auth%' group by 1