This is a step-by-step guide on how to configure the tech5 Windows Biosdk with the registration client.
Tech5 Windows Client OmniMatch BioSDK(v5.0.0): Instructions
Compress the tech5 jars into a single zip file and name it
Go to the Mosip artifactory project, navigate to the directory “artifactory-ref-impl/artifacts/src/sdk/” and create a new folder named tech5. Under this folder add the zip file created in Step #1.
Modify the artifactory project’s docker file to include the path of the sdkDependecy zipped folder. I.e add the following code to the docker file.
# environment variable for tech5 jar path ENV tech5_zip_path=${base_path}/libs-release-local/sdk/tech5 COPY /src/sdk/tech5/* ${tech5_zip_path}/ |
Build and deploy the artifactory project and Restart the artifactory server in Rancher.
Next in the registration client deployment .yml file, add the name and URL of the tech5 SDK to the environment list.
Build and deploy the registration client and Restart the registration-service in Rancher.
Obtain the native tech5 folder and extract it.
Copy the folder path of the extracted folder in Step #7 and add it to your windows system environment variables inside the path as shown in the image
D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\Native\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK
D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\Native\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\bin
D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\Native\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\lib
To use the T5-BioSDK, system must have valid license. Follow below steps to create license requests.
Go to the location of tech5 biosdk -> inside bin folder → open the path in the command prompt:
Example : D:\MOSIP\Mosip Environment\Native\Tech5 Windows SDK\Tech5\T5OmniMatchBioSDK\bin
Run this command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe as shown in the image
In the output you will find the command to generate the request file,copy the command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe –request
Run the command t5omnimatch_sdk_utility_x64.exe –request inside the path of bin folder to get the request file.
Request files will be generated in the location where you open the command prompt |
Send the request files to TECH5 team to get the licenses.
In the latest version of tech5 BioSDK there is only one license file for all the modalities. |
Place the (Take the config properties from tech5 native folder) and license file to the root folder of the registration client.
Inside the change the folder path and licence file path and save.
Modify the run.bat file with tech5 biosdk path as shown below.(Replace entire run.bat file with below content).
@echo off if exist .UNKNOWN_JARS ( FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (.UNKNOWN_JARS) DO DEL /Q lib\%%x ) if exist .TEMP ( echo Starting Registration Client after Upgrade xcopy /f/k/y/v/q .TEMP lib && rmdir /s /q .TEMP && start jre\bin\javaw -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -Dai.tech5.biosdk.provider.config=./ -DuseMosipLogger=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp lib/*;/* io.mosip.registration.controller.Initialization > startup.log 2>&1 ) else ( echo Starting Registration Client start jre\bin\javaw -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dai.tech5.biosdk.provider.config=./ -DuseMosipLogger=true -cp lib/*;/* io.mosip.registration.controller.Initialization > startup.log 2>&1 ) |
Modify the properties in the mosip-config repository, to enable local deduplication and then restart the config server in the rancher.
mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.version=0.9 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.args= mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.threshold=60 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.version=0.9 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.args= mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.threshold=60 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.version=0.9 mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.args= mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.threshold=60 mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.finger.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.iris.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.face.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.OmniMatchBioSDKProvider mosip.registration.mds.deduplication.enable.flag=Y |
Tech5 Windows Client BioSDK(v4.3.0): Instructions
Compress the tech5 jars into a single zip file and name it
Go to the Mosip artifactory project, navigate to the directory “artifactory-ref-impl/artifacts/src/sdk/” and create a new folder named tech5. Under this folder add the zip file created in Step #1.
Modify the artifactory project’s docker file to include the path of the sdkDependecy zipped folder. I.e add the following code to the docker file.
# environment variable for tech5 jar path ENV tech5_zip_path=${base_path}/libs-release-local/sdk/tech5 COPY /src/sdk/tech5/* ${tech5_zip_path}/ |
Build and deploy the artifactory project.
Next in the registration client deployment .yml file, add the name and URL of the tech5 SDK to the environment list.
Build and deploy the registration client.
Obtain the native tech5 folder and extract it.
Copy the folder path of the extracted folder in Step #7 and add it to your windows system environment variables list with under a new variable named FACE_SDK_BIN_ROOT.
To use the T5-BioSDK, system must have valid license. Follow below steps to create license requests.
Open the command prompt and run the below command to generate the face & finger license request files
face_sdk_utils --request --out TPM_new_face_sdk.req fingersdk_utils --request --output TPM_new_finger_sdk.req |
Request files will be generated in the location where you open the command prompt |
Send these request files to TECH5 team to get the licenses
Copy the files, finger_sdk.lic, face_sdk.lic and iris_sdk.lic files from the native folder to the root folder of the registration client. file :
# General Provider Configuration ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.general.debug.outputToFile= false ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.general.load.faceSdk= false ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.general.load.fingerSdk= true ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.general.load.irisSdk= true # Face SDK Configuration # 0-20 range 6.0 0.9f 1 -1 2 ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.face.matcher.mMatcher.firListHint= 100000 ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.face.matcher.mMatcher.tableCode= gn ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.face.matcher.mBuilder.version= 105 100 200 103 105 100 "face_sdk.lic" "4293EDB66AE2C" false true true true true true true true true true # Finger SDK Configuration #0-20 range ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.finger.threshold= 6.0 = 3 50 = 50 ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.finger.fingerToken= "finger_sdk.lic" # Iris SDK Configuration #0-20 range ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.iris.threshold= 0.2 ai.tech5.biosdk.provider.iris.handlerThreadCount= 6 |
Modify the properties in the mosip-config repository, to enable local deduplication.
#Admin Setting to turn local deduplication check On or Off. If y, dedupe check is turned on. If n, dedupe check is truned off. mosip.registration.mds.deduplication.enable.flag=Y ## SDK configurations #SDK implementation class for modality mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.finger.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.T5BioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.iris.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.T5BioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.face.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.T5BioSDKProvider |
Finally, add the following properties, also in, and restart the mosip-config server.
mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.finger.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.T5BioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.iris.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.T5BioSDKProvider mosip.biometric.sdk.providers.face.tech5.classname=ai.tech5.mosip.biosdk.provider.T5BioSDKProvider |
Please download the latest Tech5 SDK to enable this feature. |
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