User Guide

This user guide is designed to provide assistance to Operators and Supervisors in successfully installing, running, and registering applicants to obtain their Unique Identification Numbers (UIN) on tablet devices.


How to install Android Registration Client (ARC)

  1. Download and install the APK on Android tablet.

  2. Once ARC is installed, long press on the logo to copy the machine details.

  3. On the Admin Portal, using admin credentials, login and perform the following to add the device:

Note: The user should be assigned to the same Zone and Center as the device.

  1. The user should relaunch the ARC and log in using their valid credentials. Additionally, the operator has the option to select their preferred display language.

Upon successful login, the user will be directed to the Home page, which includes the following options:

New Registration

To begin the Registration process, the Operator is required to follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Click on New Registration card.

  2. Select the language to be used for data entry, which will be used to collect the resident's information. There will be a default language for data entry.

  3. Choose the language in which the notification will be sent to the resident. Click Submit to proceed.

  1. The operator will be redirected to the Consent page, where the resident must agree to the terms and conditions in order to proceed.

  2. After accepting consent, the Operator will need to fill out the demographic data of the resident, including their name, age, date of birth, and address. Once all mandatory fields are completed, the Continue button will be enabled.

  1. Upon clicking the Continue button, the Operator will be navigated to the Document upload page where they will need to:

  1. Upload the document by clicking on the Scan button to open the camera. The Operator can take a picture of the document and then choose from the following actions:

  1. After ensuring all required information has been accurately entered in the Document Upload screen, the Operator can proceed by clicking on the Continue button to access the Biometric Capture page. Here, the Operator can capture the biometric data of the Resident, including a face photo, fingerprint, and iris scan.

Face photo capture process

Biometric Data capture process:

Note: Three attempts are provided to capture the biometric data.

Fingerprint Capture Process:

In the event that a thumb is missing or experiencing difficulties that prevent its fingerprint from being captured, the Operator is authorized to indicate an exception. To mark an exception, the operator must select the affected thumb and specify the type of exception as either Temporary or Permanent. Additionally, the operator may include any relevant additional comments.

Iris Scanning Process:

If one or both of the Irises are not detected or encounter issues that prevent successful capture, the Operator has the option to mark an exception. To do so, the Operator must identify the specific Iris that is problematic and indicate the type of exception- either Temporary or Permanent. Additionally, the Operator may provide any relevant comments.

  1. After all the biometric data has been properly captured or any exceptions have been noted, the Continue button will be activated. The Operator can then proceed by clicking on the Continue button, which will redirect them to the Preview page. The Preview page will display the following information:

From the Preview page, the Operator has the ability to navigate back to previous screens in order to make any necessary adjustments to the entered or captured data. Once the Operator has verified the accuracy of the entered data, they can proceed by clicking on the Continue button, which will direct them to the Operator Authentication page.

  1. On the Operator Authentication page, operators are required to input their credentials (username and password) that were used during the login process.

Upon successful verification of the credentials, the packet will be uploaded to the server and the operator will be redirected to the Acknowledgment screen. This screen includes the following information:

Upon receipt of the acknowledgement, the packet is uploaded to the Registration Processor. Once the packet has been successfully processed, a unique identification number (UIN) is generated.

On the acknowledgement page, the operator will have two options available:

  1. Print- The operator can click on this option to obtain a physical copy of the acknowledgement.

  2. New Registration- The operator can initiate another registration by clicking on this option.

In summary, the aforementioned steps can be followed by the user (Operator/ Supervisor) to register an individual by capturing demographic data, documents, and biometric data in order to generate their UIN.

New content added for 0.10.0 release

  1. Operator Onboarding: To begin the Onboarding process, the Operator is required to follow the steps outlined below. The operator, in order to log in to Android Registration Client, will have to onboard himself. This functionality will be available on first time online login only.

    1. On logging in for the first time, the Operator will be taken to the screen where they will have the following two options:

      1. Get onboarded: This flow is present for the system to verify Operator’s biometrics with their registered biometrics. This is to enable local deduplication.

      2. Skip to home: This flow is to dodge “Operator’s Onboarding”. If the user selects this, they will be taken to the “Homepage” after which the user can get started with Resident registration. One of the pre-requisites of this flow is to have “Default” role mapped to the center.

        1. image-20240612-070509.png

      3. Steps to Onboard Operator’s Biometrics:

        1. The user will be taken to the Biometrics Capture Homepage where he will be able to see all the below biometrics:

          1. Face capture

          2. Iris capture

          3. Left hand finger capture

          4. Right hand finger capture

          5. Thumb capture

          6. image-20240612-074118.png

        2. The user will then have to capture all the above listed biometrics one by one

        3. Steps to capture the biometrics is given above - put hyperlink here

        4. Once all the biometrics are duly captured, the below ackowledgement message will be displayed on the screen.

  2. Update Operator onboarding: The Operators can also update their biometrics. In this scenario, the Operator will have to capture all their biometrics. On doing this, the previous biometrics captured during Operator Onboarding will be overridden by the newly captured biometrics. Steps to update Operator’s Biometrics:

    1. From the Home page, go to “Operational Tasks”

      1. Screenshot_20240528-152836-20240528-100128.png

    2. Select “Update Operator Biometrics”

      1. image-20240528-101747.png

    3. The user will be taken to the Biometrics Capture Homepage where he will be able to see all the below biometrics:

      1. Face capture

      2. Iris capture

      3. Left hand finger capture

      4. Right hand finger capture

      5. Thumb capture

      6. image-20240612-074139.png

    4. The user will then have to capture all the above listed biometrics one by one

    5. Steps to capture the biometrics is given above - put hyperlink here

    6. Once all the biometrics are duly updated, the below ackowledgement message will be displayed on the screen.

      1. image-20240528-110409.png

  3. Dashboard: The Operator can access the dashboard where he can view the following:

    1. Packets created: This will show the total number of packets created from the time Android Registration Client was installed.

    2. Packets Synced: This will show the total number of packets synced from the time Android Registration Client was installed.

    3. Packets Uploaded: This will show the total number of packets uploaded from the time Android Registration Client was installed.

    4. User details:

      1. User ID: This will show the list of User IDs of the Users mapped to the device.

      2. Username: This will show the list of Username of the Users mapped to the device.

      3. Status: This will show the status of Users mapped to the device. This can take values such as onboarded, active, inactive etc.
