The match-sdk library is implemented in reference to the mock-sdk, which provides the biometric match validation APIs. The match-sdk is built for Android to ensure compatibility with the Android reg client Android app. Some of the classes were reused, while others were modified to be compatible with Android. The Spring-related annotations and code have been replaced with Android annotations.
The match-sdk library provides the implementation in the MatchSDK
class, which implements the methods and properties of the IBioApiV2
interface. The match method is as follows:
@Override public Response<MatchDecision[]> match(BiometricRecord sample, BiometricRecord[] gallery, List<BiometricType> modalitiesToMatch, Map<String, String> flags) { MatchService service = new MatchService(sample, gallery, modalitiesToMatch, flags); return service.getMatchDecisionInfo(); } |
This method requires the biometric record of the current applicant and the biometric records of existing operators based on the modality to validate the duplication of biometric data between the current applicant and operators.
The match-sdk internally utilizes the dependencies kernel-core, kernel-biometric-api, kernel-bio-converter and biometric-util
to implement match validation.
Integration with the Android reg client app:
Option 1: Add match-sdk .aar
file as library in a directory at app level and refer from the required modules build.gradle
as dependency api
Option 2: Add dependency in build gradle to get the match-sdk lib remotely. This requires match-sdk to be published to remote repo for example: maven central.
For now, Option 1 is being followed to verify the correctness of the match-sdk and its implementation.
The matchsdk-debug.aar or matchsdk-release.aar
file is integrated in the Android reg client app following the steps below:
Create a "matchsdk"
directory at the app level if it doesn't exist already.
Place the matchsdk-debug.aar / matchsdk-release.aar
file in a directory within your Android project. For example,
Now create a build.gradle
file in matchsdk directory and add the below contents
configurations.maybeCreate("default") artifacts.add("default", file('matchsdk-debug.aar')) |
Add this to your settings.gradle
include ':matchsdk' project(':matchsdk').projectDir = new File('matchsdk') |
Include your new module in the module you wish to use the AAR. eg, if you want to use it within your clientmanager
module, open clientmanager's
Gradle and add the following into your dependencies { }
section as
api project(':matchsdk') |
In the client manager module, we are using it for comparing the biometric data of the applicant against the biometric data of the operators.
In the code where the match logic must be called, we need to add:
private IBioApiV2 iBioApiV2; |
To perform the validation, it is necessary to invoke the match()
method of the match-sdk. This can be achieved by initializing a MatchSDK()
object in the constructor of the Biometric095Service class
, where the match logic is required.
this.iBioApiV2 = new MatchSDK(); |
match method will be called as
Response<MatchDecision[]> response = iBioApiV2.match(biometricRecord, biometricRecords, biometricTypes, new HashMap<>()); |
The code to validate the biometric data is added in the below method of Biometric095Service
public List<BiometricsDto> handleRCaptureResponse(Modality modality, InputStream response, List<String> exceptionAttributes) throws BiometricsServiceException { . . . if(RegistrationConstants.ENABLE.equalsIgnoreCase(this.globalParamRepository.getCachedStringGlobalParam(RegistrationConstants.DEDUPLICATION_ENABLE_FLAG))) { boolean isMatched = MatchUtil.validateBiometricData(modality, captureDto, biometricsDtoList, userBiometricRepository, iBioApiV2); if(isMatched){ Log.i(TAG, "Biometrics Matched With Operator Biometrics, Please Try Again"); return null; } } } |
class is created to have the validate biometric logic and provide required methods and properties. The validateBiometricData()
method is called based on the modality and biometric data of current applicant and operator biometrics.
/** Responsible for validating the biometric records @param modality {@link Modality} @param captureDto {@link CaptureDto} @param biometricsDtoList {@link List<BiometricsDto>} @param userBiometricRepository {@link UserBiometricRepository} @param iBioApiV2 {@link IBioApiV2} @return boolean value based on the match result */ public static boolean validateBiometricData(Modality modality, CaptureDto captureDto, List<BiometricsDto> biometricsDtoList, UserBiometricRepository userBiometricRepository, IBioApiV2 iBioApiV2) { BiometricType biometricType = BiometricType.fromValue(modality == Modality.EXCEPTION_PHOTO ?modality.getSingleType().value() : captureDto.getBioType()); String lowerCase = biometricType.toString().toLowerCase(); String biometricCode = StringUtils.capitalizeFirstLetter(lowerCase); List<UserBiometric> userBiometrics = userBiometricRepository.findAllOperatorBiometrics(biometricCode); if(userBiometrics.isEmpty()){ return false; } return matchBiometrics(biometricType, userBiometrics, biometricsDtoList, iBioApiV2); } |
This method internally calls the matchBiometrics()
method to check the match between the operator biometrics and applicant biometric.
/** Converts the {@link UserBiometric} and {@link BiometricsDto} to {@link BiometricRecord} and {@link BiometricRecord array} respectively and calls the match method of Match-SDK library to get the response of the decisions whether {@link Match MATCHED or NOT_MATCHED} @param biometricType {@link BiometricType} @param userBiometrics {@link UserBiometric} @param biometricsDto {@link BiometricsDto} @param iBioApiV2 {@link IBioApiV2} @return boolean value matched or not based on the match result flag Match.MATCHED or Match.NOT_MATCHED. */ private static boolean matchBiometrics(BiometricType biometricType, List<UserBiometric> userBiometrics, List<BiometricsDto> biometricsDto, IBioApiV2 iBioApiV2) { Map<String, List<BIR>> birMap = new HashMap<>(); for (UserBiometric userBiometric : userBiometrics) { String userId = userBiometric.getUsrId(); birMap.computeIfAbsent(userId, k -> new ArrayList<>()) .add(buildBir(userBiometric.getBioAttributeCode(), userBiometric.getQualityScore(), userBiometric.getBioTemplate(), biometricType, ProcessedLevelType.PROCESSED, true)); } List<BIR> birList = new ArrayList<>(biometricsDto.size()); biometricsDto.forEach(biometricDto -> { birList.add(buildBir(biometricDto.getBioSubType(), (long) biometricDto.getQualityScore(), CryptoUtil.base64decoder.decode(biometricDto.getBioValue()), biometricType, ProcessedLevelType.RAW, false)); }); BiometricRecord biometricRecord = new BiometricRecord(); biometricRecord.getSegments().addAll(birList); List<BiometricRecord> biometricRecordList = new ArrayList<>(); for(List<BIR> birListValue: birMap.values()){ BiometricRecord biometricRecordValue = new BiometricRecord(); biometricRecordValue.getSegments().addAll(birListValue); biometricRecordList.add(biometricRecordValue); } BiometricRecord [] biometricRecords = biometricRecordList.toArray(new BiometricRecord[0]); List<BiometricType> biometricTypes = new ArrayList<>(); biometricTypes.add(biometricType); try { Response<MatchDecision[]> response = iBioApiV2.match(biometricRecord, biometricRecords, biometricTypes, new HashMap<>()); if (response != null && response.getResponse() != null) { Match decision = Objects.requireNonNull(response.getResponse()[0].getDecisions().get(biometricType)). getMatch(); if(decision.equals(Match.MATCHED)){ return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed in dedupe check >> ", e.getMessage()); } return false; } |
Design consideration:
The kernel-biometric-api
library is obtained from the bio-utils
repository's develop branch - bio-utils/kernel-biometrics-api
The inclusion of kernel-biometric-api
in the Android reg client app, in order to reference the IBioApiV2
interface, is implemented to prevent transitive dependency errors caused by the lombok
and jackson
libraries. This is necessary because those libraries were referencing older versions of the same dependencies.
Here are the specific changes done to the pom.xml
<properties> ... <java.version>17</java.version> <!--changed to 17--> ... <!--newly added versions--> <jackson.version>2.15.0</jackson.version> <lombok.version>1.18.24</lombok.version> <junit.version>5.10.3</junit.version> ... <!--<>1.2.1-SNAPSHOT</>--> <!--commented--> <kernel.core.version></kernel.core.version> <!--1.2.1-SNAPSHOT--> </properties> <!-- Commented this section, kernel-bom not available to get downloaded as dependency <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.mosip.kernel</groupId> <artifactId>kernel-bom</artifactId> <version>${}</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencyManagement>--> <dependencies> ... <dependency> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> <version>${lombok.version}</version> <!--version, newly added--> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId> <version>${jackson.version}</version> <!--version, newly added--> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.junit.vintage</groupId> <artifactId>junit-vintage-engine</artifactId> <version>${junit.version}</version> <!--version, newly added--> </dependency> </dependencies> |