
MOSIP is unable to send OTP

Design Overview


Check whether all the below 5 components are up and running:

  1. Keycloak

    1. Open the keycloak URL in the browser and check

  2. kernel-otpmanager-service

    1. Login to ‘mosip_kernel database’s ‘kernel using the mosipuser/Mosip@123. NOTE: ‘mosipuser’ is a read-only user. In all database, you will find the same read-only user with the same credentials. Check whether the OTP had been generated in table ‘otp_transaction’. You can authenticate using the value in ‘otp’ column name. Example query is , "SELECT otp FROM kernel.otp_transaction where id like '%prereg_userId%' order by generated_dtimes desc limit 1";

    2. You can also check the Swagger URL. For example,

  3. kernel-emailnotification-service

    1. Check the Swagger URL. For example,

  4. kernel-smsnotification-service

    1. Check the Swagger URL. For example,

  5. kernel-auth-service

    1. Check the Swagger URL. For example,

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