Authentication and ekyc data encryption Steps in detail
Step1)Run the Partner demo service
Step 2)Run the Below collection
Step 3:Note the Below Things
Make Note of EKYC Partner id, PartnerApiKey, LicenseKey as below |
iii)license key
Step 4:Run the below collection:
EX: UIN:5709645291
b)Take the response Time and past into Ekyc request and Pass the UIN in below URL will get the response as shown below
c)Pass the UIN as shown in the URL and pass the biovalue
d)Take the response and pass Into IDAuth_EKYC request and pass all information
EKYC Partner id, PartnerApiKey, LicenseKey
e)take the signature from the response header
f)Take the signature from the face auth response header and pass it on to ID auth ekyc request header
g)will get the response as below to have to take response as marked
i)Ekyc decryption URL:
Decrypted data:
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