Provide a brief overview of what this meeting is about and any other information that might be helpful to attendees.
Meeting goals
Key attendees
Open action items
Type /task report to aggregate open action items across your meetings. You will need to publish this page first. In the macro fields, only specify this page so that only action items relevant to this page are shown.
Meeting minutes
Use color to help distinguish minutes of one meeting from another.
RSPN (Social registry ) integration to be discussed
TOGO to get back with folooing items
1. List of values of location
2. PROOF_OF_CONSENT is undecided
3. Category of people participation
4. List of languages
5. HTML template of ID card
bdfe6f76-e345-4ae7-a143-d09d14717c71a9d3a6d3-49f1-46ff-98ba-1ae3bd663b67DECIDED/decision0b821792-3ef0-41cf-8574-d73dc767ea28DECIDEDFinalized some of the fields.05699900-7fe6-46c8-89e0-031561c02c28DECIDEDID Schema document has been translated by Gabi.953698bb-3619-4b9c-88f6-fff5e6554a62DECIDEDTraining document and video link has been shared with Togo team
Finalized some of the fields.
ID Schema document has been translated by Gabi.
Training document and video link has been shared with Togo team