1. Mock MDS : The mock MDS is a utility that simulates the MDS by returning synthetic biometrics during biometric capture.  This can be used for testing the functionality of the registration client when the actual Biometric devices and corresponding MDS are not available.   

Note :  Before running the mock MDS, it is required to register the mock MDS as a biometric partner.  This is not discussed within the scope of this document.

2. TPM Utility

3. Syncbyte MDS Client & document.

Latest SyncbyteMosipRDServiceSetup attached.

  1. SyncbyteMosipRDServiceSetup (Version 0---- with IRIS fix
    Notes #
    a) Image Blurness ratio introduced for Iris Scanner in config.properties
    Usage Values

  2. MosipClient.exe MosipClient_0.0.9.5_1.0.0.0_x86_Release.rar (Version
    Notes #
    a) Client application can be used to test the 0.9.5 and 1.0.0 MOSIP Specs

  3. Language change:

    1. In Syncbyte software change the language to French as mentioned below.

      1. Go to “C:\Program Files\Syncbyte Innovations Private Limited\SyncbyteMosipRDService\source” path and edit config.properties file and change the value to “fr” for key “language”. (ex: language=fr)

4. Print Listener

To generate PDF file and print, extract the zip file and use java command to run Print-Listener- file and this should be running in a machine where printer is connected.

Note: There is a separate print listener for on-prem and on-cloud environment.

5. Registration Client Url. (Note: You need to connect to Wireguard to access this url)

On-Cloud: https://regclient.togo-pilot.mosip.net

On-Prem : https://regclient.mosip.anid.gouv.tg

6. Operator/Supervisor Training document.

7. Registering and Onboarding Machines, Operator and Supervisor

8. Reporting Dashboard SQLs

9. ID Authentication Demo Application - This application is used to demonstrate the authentication services.

10. Tech5 Windows BioSDK - Following are the steps to enable local deduplication and quality check at RegClient

11. Enabling Operator Login with Biometric : -


  1. The operator/supervisor should have been onboarded

  2. 'default' role is not mapped in the user object of the operator/supervisor in keycloack

  3. The operator/supervisor's RID is present in user attribute list in keycloak as below

Updating the login authentication mode

By default, the login authentication mode is password-based. In order to change the authentication mode, it is necessary to update the database directly. At the time of writing this procedure, we observe that there are no APIs available to update the authentication mode without touching the database directly.

The following are the authentication modes available


Supported Authentication Methods:


Supported Authentication Methods:


In order to change the authentication mode, login to the PostgreSQL database, and connect to mosip_master schema using any of the supported database client utility such as pgAdmin and run the following update queries

Note 1 : In-order to enable other biometric authentication modality such IRIS or Face, replace the auth_method_code with “IRIS” or “FACE” respectively.

Note 2 : In-order to enable biometric authentication for operator only and not the supervisor, give the appropriate role_code in the update query.

Note : To enable biometric Login for operator only, simply change the role_code='REGISTRATION_OFFICER' in the above SQL query.