How to check the Internal network between cluster nodes

Now that we are continuing with multiple customers and partners with On-prem mode of instllation it is been observed that many times the network between the Cluster nodes are not proper hence we face many issues related to the same.

Below contains instructions to be performed in order to check the network speed between the cluster nodes. (specifically any two VM’s).

We will be using iperf3 to test the same.

Steps :

  1. Install iperf3 on the any set of required nodes.
    sudo apt-get install iperf3

  2. We will use one VM as server and others as client to check the connectivity.

  3. On server VM run below command to intiate a server:
    iperf3 -s -p <desired port for check>
    e.g. iperf3 -s -p 7575

  4. Allow the desired port for check to be accessed by other nodes.
    sudo ufw allow <desired port for check>
    e.g. sudo ufw allow 7575

  5. From the client machine run below command to capture the result of check
    iperf3 -c <server ip> -p <desired port for check> -t <time in seconds to transmit> -i <periodic seconds between consecutive check>
    iperf3 -c 10.3.148.x -p 7575 -t 30 -i 5

  6. Check the output showing the bandwidth of the transmission.

