If you want to use the registration client with mock MDS to create IDs with distinct face images, refer to the steps below.
What is the need for this?
This will be needed when real devices are not available/integrated with the registration client and one wants to create test data for the demo of mobileID app(Inji) or printable cards.
Have a set of photos you wish to use in jpg format.
Resize the photos to 240 X 320 pixels (width X height) and save them in jpg format using tools like Microsoft Paint
The next step is to convert the jpg image to jp2 format. One can use a tool like IrfanView for this.
The next step is to convert jp2 to iso format. One can use bio-utils for that
Clone bio-utils from Github and build it
Place the jpg image (ex: face1.jpg) in the folder \bio-utils-develop\test\target\BiometricInfo\Face
In run_encoder_face.bat file update the image name and save
Run run_encoder_face.bat file. It will generate a ‘face1.jp2.iso’ file in the folder \bio-utils-develop\test\target\BiometricInfo\Face
One can also use the BioCTS tool to verify the iso file generated above.
The next step is to use the ISO image in the mock MDS
There are 2 ways to do it:
Option 1: Create a separate profile for each user/image
Create a folder 'Profile1' under MDS/Profile
Rename the face1.jp2.iso file to Face.iso and copy it to the MDS/Profile/Profile1 folder. Also, copy biometric images for other modalities from the default folder into Profile1.
Many such profiles can be created as per requirement.
Set the profile being used in mock MDS using postman before capturing biometrics in the registration client as shown below
While capturing the face image, the new image will appear in the registration client during enrollment.
Option 2: Reuse the default profile data and replace the Face.iso image every time
For every enrollment, replace the Face.iso image in the default profile with a new image of the same name
Restart the MDS