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  1. Mock MDS : The mock MDS is a utility that simulates the MDS by returning synthetic biometrics during biometric capture.  This can be used for testing the functionality of the registration client when the actual Biometric devices and corresponding MDS are not available.   

Note :  Before running the mock MDS, it is required to register the mock MDS as a biometric partner.  This is not discussed within the scope of this document.

2. TPM Utility

3. Syncbyte MDS Client & document.

Latest SyncbyteMosipRDServiceSetup attached.

  1. SyncbyteMosipRDServiceSetup (Version 0---- with IRIS fix
    Notes #
    a) Image Blurness ratio introduced for Iris Scanner in
    Usage Values

  2. MosipClient.exe MosipClient_0.0.9.5_1.0.0.0_x86_Release.rar (Version
    Notes #
    a) Client application can be used to test the 0.9.5 and 1.0.0 MOSIP Specs

  3. Language change:

    1. In Syncbyte software change the language to French as mentioned below.

      1. Go to “C:\Program Files\Syncbyte Innovations Private Limited\SyncbyteMosipRDService\source” path and edit file and change the value to “fr” for key “language”. (ex: language=fr)

4. Print Listener

To generate PDF file and print, extract the zip file and use java command to run Print-Listener- file and this should be running in a machine where printer is connected.

Note: There is a separate print listener for on-prem and on-cloud environment.

5. Registration Client Url. (Note: You need to connect to Wireguard to access this url)


On-Prem :

6. Operator/Supervisor Training document.

  • Both French & English version of document available.

7. Registering and Onboarding Machines, Operator and Supervisor

  • Both French & English version of document available.

8. Reporting Dashboard SQLs

9. ID Authentication Demo Application - This application is used to demonstrate the authentication services.

  • NPrime FingerPrint L1 Device SDK

  • Iritech MDS

  • ID Auth Demo App

  • Steps to configure NPrime FP L1 Device

    • Download attached SDK Zip file (

    • Extract the zip file

    • To install, run setup.exe in Adminstrator mode

    • While installing keep all options with default values

    • Copy attached and replace with existing one in C:\NPrime\Auth\SM-91M\config

    • Connect the device

    • Find AuthTestFp.html in the SDK zip extracted folder and open in the browser

    • Select the Port number(on which device is connected) from the dropdown

    • Verify all three options(Discover Device, Device Info and Capture Fingerprint)

    • From Discover Device output note down deviceId value

  • Steps to run ID Auth Demo App

    • Download attached ID Auth Zip file (Auth Demo

    • Extract the zip file

    • Open in an editor

    • Look for 'ida.request.captureFinger.deviceId' property and update the value with 'deviceId' value which got from 'Discover Device'

    • Look for 'ida.captureRequest.uri' property and make sure the port number in the value is correct on which L1 device is configured

    • Now to launch the application, execute run.bat script file.

10. Tech5 Windows BioSDK - Following are the steps to enable local deduplication and quality check at RegClient

  • Download the attached native-togo zip file

  • Extract the zip file in the required place

  • Copy the folder path where the zip file is extracted

  • Go to System Environment Variables setting application

  • In the System Variables section add new variable called FACE_SDK_BIN_ROOT and value is native-togo folder path

  • Append the same native-togo folder path in Path variable also

  • Copy and iris_sdk.lic files from the extracted native-togo folder

  • And paste in the RegClient application root folder

  • To enable this feature at Registration Client application, following properties should be enabled with flag 'Y' in file which is present in mosip-config repository in GitHub.

    • mosip.registration.mds.deduplication.enable.flag

  • And additionally following properties need to be updated with Vendor(who is going to support Local Deduplication) specific SDK class path. Here are the properties specific to Tech5 vendor

    • mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.finger.classname=ai.tech5.client.ClientSDK

    • mosip.biometric.sdk.provider.iris.classname=ai.tech5.client.ClientSDK

  • Note: Vendor specific(Tech5) SDK is integration with latest regclient zip. Please download the latest one to avail this feature.

  • Now system is ready to perform local deduplication and biometrics quality check

11. Enabling Operator Login with Biometric : -

Pre-requisite :

The operator should have been onboarded

  • All the operators/supervisors should have been onboarded and they should not have default role assigned in Keycloak. And open operator/supervisor user in keycloak and add new attribute as given here. (eg: key=rid and value=10001100020000220220516081234)

  • There different types of authentication method available as mentioned here, but here we have taken “FINGERPRINT” as authentication method and Role as “REGISTRATION_OFFICER”

Supported Authentication Methods:


  • MOSIP strongly suggest a DBA should perform the below steps in database.

    1. Connects to MOSIP_MASTER database and master schema to execute all the below SQL queries.

    2. Execute below query to disable password based authentication for all the Operators.

      -- To disable password authentication --
      UPDATE app_authentication_method 
      SET is_active=false, upd_dtimes=now() 
      AND auth_method_code='PWD'
      AND process_id IN ('login_auth', 'packet_auth', 'eod_auth', 'exception_auth');

      Save or commit the DB changes.

    3. Execute below query to enable fingerprint based authentication for all the Operators.

      -- To enable finger print authentication --
      UPDATE app_authentication_method 
      SET is_active=true, upd_dtimes=now() 
      AND auth_method_code='FINGERPRINT'
      AND process_id IN ('login_auth', 'packet_auth', 'eod_auth', 'exception_auth');

      Save or commit the DB changes.

    4. Once both the SQL queries are executed, the master sync to be performed in all the Registration Client from all the operator’s machine and logout from RegClient. Then next login to RegClient will enforce operator to provide finger print to success login.

    5. To enable biometric authentication in RegClient for Supervisor, simply change the role_code='REGISTRATION_SUPERVISOR' in the above SQLs and perform the steps from a to d.

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