Re-issuing credentials for re-printing ID cards
Get List of RID’s printed on the particular execution from Print Listener folder. (Refer File : RIDPrintStatus.csv)
Verify the RID with Archive Folder whether PDF File Present or not.
If PDF present and not printed then User can manually print the PDF
If PDF not present in achieve folder then note down the RID in separate text file.
Once Verification Completed, Please execute the below queries to find out list of credential transaction id’s
DB Name : mosip_print
Schema : print
Table : print_transaction
SELECT credential_transaction_id FROM print.print_transaction where reg_id in (<comma-separated list of RIDs enclosed in single quotes>);
4. Use above query result into following query to re-trigger print.
DB Name mosip_credentials
Schema : credential
Table : credential_transaction
update credential.credential_transaction set status_code = 'NEW' where id in (<comma separated list of credential_transaction_ids enclosed in single quotes>);
Note : The list of credential_trnasaction_IDs can be obtained from the first query
This will trigger credential issuance of the selected RIDs which would be sent to the print listener for printing.