This space contains discussion itinerary for day #1.
Existing features of Registration Client
Registration Tasks:
New-registration: Fresh registration of applicant
Lost UIN: The resident has lost his UIN.
Update UIN: The resident wants to update his demographic data/documents/biometric data.
Applicant Biometric Update: The applicant wants to update his biometrics since the biometrics that was captured did not cross the threshold.
Operational Tasks:
Synchronise Data: Triggers all the sync/scheduled batch jobs
Download Pre-registration data: The Operator enters the AID and the applicant data is pre-filled.
Update Operator's Biometrics: When there is a need to update Operator’s Biometrics.
Application Upload: To see the status of the applications
To be uploaded
Center Remap Sync: when the machine is remapped to a different center, that sync happens when "Center Remap Sync" is clicked
Check Updates: For any software version upgrade
Ancillary features:
Profile Icon: Gives details about the operator
Photo of Operator
Username of Operator
Last login details
Audit: Auditing the events being performed
Forgot Password: When the Operator has forgotten his password and wants to set a new password
Help Section: This section will contain FAQs, quick help guide
Multi Lingual Support: Ability to support multiple languages
Transliteration for each input field
Language specific keyboard
Display machine name and center: Fetching Trust keys that will help to register the device
Reset Password: When the Operator knows his password and wants to reset his password.
Bell-icon notification: To get notifications…..TBD
Dashboard: To view statistics such as:
Number of packets created
Number of packets uploaded…etc.
Scheduled Job Settings - Shows the list of all the jobs, their cron expression, their last run time, next run time. We can individually and manually trigger any job from this section.
Global Config Settings (and shortcut)- List of all the configurations (some can be edited-local value ones).
Device Settings - Displays the connected devices, from and to port numbers in between which, the device search happens.
New Features for Android Reg Client
S. No | Perspective | Feature proposal |
1 | As a resident | Ability to verify my email Id or phone number on the go. |
2 | As a Resident and as an Operator | Resident: USSD service to book an appointment-
Operator: Get notifications for the USSD service. |
3 | As a Resident | Resident: Hand over the UIN card on the go- after the registration is successful and packet is uploaded. |
4 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Pre-Registration QR Code Reader with Registration Client |
5 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Revamped master data synchronization to registration client- MOSIP-20658 |
6 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Registration Client Dashboard Modification -MOSIP-24342 |
7 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Modify machine-center remapping- MOSIP-24326 |
8 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Ability to change threshold values for biometrics like Fingerprints, Iris and Face (based on resident age) since for some minors and senior citizen residents, capturing biometrics is very difficult. |
9 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Ability to hide/show password being entered at the time of login |
10 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Ability to show the capslock status for password at the time of login |
11 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Scan AID information and auto fill the form |
12 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Scan information from other document |
13 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Pause and resume: Should be able to start filling the form where I left from |
14 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Get notified for children turning 5 |
15 | As an Operator/Supervisor | Capture the longitude and latitude of the address (based on current location) if address is not available Along with latitude and longitude, Capture the photo of the house if in case address is not available |
16 | As a country | I would want to know the following:
17 | As a country |
18 | As a country |
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