Day #1: (12:00-4:00; Monday-4th September) | Present the entire feature list- 20min Discuss the feature flow (any deviation from existing Reg Client?)- 20min New Registration Update Lost Operator onboarding
New feature ideas:- 60 min From resident’s perspective- 20min From Operator/Supervisor perspective- 20min From country’s perspective?- 20min
Strategy for documentation (docs/sub domain of docs)
| Mind map Make a flow chart diagram for each feature
Day #2: (12:00-4:00; Wednesday-11th October) | Status update for P1 Feature-18th August Release was postponed based on workshop on 4th September to include a few basic features
Align on approach (scope for P1 release) features to be included for P1 release With and without the new features-come up with estimates + bug QA tested vs QA certified?
Discuss feature list from last workshop + enhancements to the feature list (P2, P3,….)- (sticky notes)
Relook at P2, P3,… and the timelines for phases - any specific month/quarter?
Another session Create stories: Present the list the old + new features - 10min Timelines/estimates for the above stories Divide features in Phases (Phase I, Phase II…etc. )-30min Prioritise the features within each phase-30min Community contribution features-15min
Technical evaluation -60min Technical feasibility check Technical Design discussion Technical NFRs Local DB hardening Logs Audit Metrics/ Telemetry Packet safety on tablet
Community engagement: 20min Announcement on demos Announcement on progress How to contribute- guideline? Pitch to contribute: Pre-requisites for the same: Have google form ready How to make APK readily available Have a team ready to answer questions
| Make list of the old + new features + responses from the Google form Make a plan for community engagement Present the current architecture (HLD) and potential change if new features are considered - @Hitesh Champalal