ARC: Telemetry

ARC: Telemetry

This space is created to document the telemetry requirements of Android Registration Client.

Event Types:

  1. Error

  2. Start

  3. Impression

  4. Interact

  5. End (success)

  6. End (Failure)

Action Types:

  1. Warning

  2. Error

Kimd devices, number of users,

Age, location, exceptions, failed biometrics, biometrics quality,



Event to register

Event Type

Action Type

Why capture this event?



Event to register

Event Type

Action Type

Why capture this event?

Operator Onboarding







User enters Username

























Biometrics quality






Biometrics exceptions










Update UIN






Lost UIN






Manage Application


Frequency of manual packet upload






Frequency of export to local






Frequency of auto logout






Frequency of manual logout




Supervisor’s approval


Capture the Supervisor who is rejecting packets






Capture the rejected packets




User flow


Action to register

Event Type



Hardware Keystore is not supported by user’s device

App displayed 'Secure key storage not found' warning screen



User starts login(User is on Unlock Application Screen)

User clicks the Unlock Application button

Start, Impression , Interact


User successfully completes login

App accepted entered passcode/biometric and directed user to next screen



User fails to login in to the app

App rejected entered passcode/biometric and displayed warning

End(failure), Error


Download VC

User selects an issuer to download VC

Issuer <value> selected by the user

Start, Interact


User generates VC download request in web view

App’s web view triggered request to download VC



User views the downloaded VC

App displayed the VC downloaded by the user



User fails to download VC

App displayed generic error screen

End(failure), Error


User fails to download VC

App displayed 'No internet' error screen

End(failure), Error


Share VC

User clicks on Scan Button / Receive VC

App displayed QR code / scanner

Start, Impression , Interact


User initiates VC sharing

App displayed list of VCs to share



VC sharing successful

App displayed VC sharing successful screen

Impression, End(success)


VC sharing failed

App displayed error message/screen when bluetooth connection failed after scanning QR code of verifier



VC sharing failed

App displayed error message/screen when bluetooth connection failed after user selects VC to share



Verifier receiving VC

User displays QR code to receive VC

App generated a QR code



QR code is scanned

App is receiving to a VC and displayed prompts



User successfully receives VC

App displayed success acknowledgment and expanded view received VC



User fails to receive VC

App displayed error message suggesting sharing failed



Activate VC for online transactions

User initiates VC activation

App displayed OTP screen to validate activation request

Start, Impression , Interact


User confirms VC is activated

App displayed success message/screen after VC is activated



User fails to activate VC

App displayed error message/ screen when validation fails due to timeout/ exhausted number of retries

End(failure), Error


Login request from E-Signet

User initiates VC sharing by scanning E-signet’s QR code

App displayed list of VCs to share



User verifies using face auth

App confirmed the face and displayed list of attributes to share



User verifies using face auth

App rejected the face and displayed warning message



User selects list of attributes to share and confirms

App displayed positive acknowledgement on completing sharing



User cancels the process on Consent form

App redirected user to Scan page.



User selects list of attributes to share and confirms

App displayed error message as sharing failed



User initiates VC sharing

App rejects the face auth and displays error message



Remove VC from app

User removes VC from the app

App displayed success message of VC removed



User changing Biometric

User changes Biometric of the Key store

App displayed warning because VC(s) are removed



VC is tampered

User is loading VCs to view

App displayed warning because VC(s) is tampered and removed




Types of events to be captured

  1. Start - for session start and any flow start

  2. Impression - to capture the screen transition

  3. Interact - to capture user actions like button clicks

  4. Error - to capture any error

  5. End - for session end and any flow end

  6. Summary - for Tuvali

  7. AppInfo - for capturing the device/app details

Refer below screenshot to check the sample flow of events

Events structure

  1. Initialise telemetry with config - this will be done at start of the application
    Data tracked in configuration

    { "env": "https://api.qa-triad.mosip.net", "authtoken": "", "appid": "T8H7CJG3FBLQ", "sid": "aVtGWoklTGMh1693393576457", "batchsize": 5, "host": "https://dataset-api.obsrv.mosip.net" "endpoint": "/obsrv/v1/data/mosip-dataset", "telemetryDebugEnabled": true, "enableValidation": true, "schemaBaseUrl": "http://mosip.io/telemetry/" }
  2. Start event

    { "eid": "START", "ets": 1692958280000, "mid": "START:229ebf7711a0d19a8df962998992480a", "actor": {}, "sid": "fQyLnBqZOPFr1692958174221", "appid": "T8H7CJG3FBLQ", "edata": { "type": "what is the workflow we are starting the event for", "additionalParameters": {} } }
  3. Impression event

    { "eid": "IMPRESSION", "ets": 1692958280000, "mid": "IMPRESSION:229ebf7711a0d19a8df962998992480a", "actor": {}, "sid": "fQyLnBqZOPFr1692958174221", "appid": "T8H7CJG3FBLQ", "edata": { "type": "what is the workflow", "subtype": "page name we are on", "additionalParameters": {} } }
  4. Interact event

    { "eid": "INTERACT", "ets": 1692958280000, "mid": "INTERACT:229ebf7711a0d19a8df962998992480a", "actor": {}, "sid": "fQyLnBqZOPFr1692958174221", "appid": "T8H7CJG3FBLQ", "edata": { "type": "what is the workflow", "subtype": "TOUCH/SWIPE/GESTURE_what are we clicking on", "additionalParameters": {} } }
  5. Error event

    { "eid": "ERROR", "ets": 1692958280000, "mid": "ERROR:229ebf7711a0d19a8df962998992480a", "actor": {}, "sid": "fQyLnBqZOPFr1692958174221", "appid": "T8H7CJG3FBLQ", "edata": { "type": "what is the workflow for which we got the error", "env": "https://api.qa-triad.mosip.net", "brandName": "realme", "modelName": "RX396", "osName": "Android", "osVersion": "11", "osApiLevel": "30", "isHardwareKeystoreSupported": "true", "buildNumber": "5", "injiVersion": "0.9.1", "tuvaliVersion": "v0.4.3-768a7fc", "dateTime": "Wed Sep 06 2023 14:11:37 GMT+0530", "zone": "Asia/Calcutta", "offset": -330, "preferredLanguage": "English", "errorId": "error id", "errorMessage": "error message", "stackTrace": "complete stack trace of the error", } }
  6. End event

    { "eid": "END", "ets": 1692958280000, "mid": "END:229ebf7711a0d19a8df962998992480a", "actor": {}, "sid": "fQyLnBqZOPFr1692958174221", "appid": "T8H7CJG3FBLQ", "edata": { "type": "what is the workflow for this event", "status": "failure / success", "additionalParameters": {} } }
  7. Summary Event
    Tuvali VC Transfer Debug report

  8. AppInfo Event

    { "eid": "APPINFO", "ets": 1692958280000, "mid": "APPINFO:229ebf7711a0d19a8df962998992480a", "sid": "fQyLnBqZOPFr1692958174221", "actor": {}, "appid": "T8H7CJG3FBLQ", "edata": { "env": "https://api.qa-triad.mosip.net", "brandName": "realme", "modelName": "RX396", "osName": "Android", "osVersion": "11", "osApiLevel": "30", "isHardwareKeystoreSupported": "true", "buildNumber": "5", "injiVersion": "0.9.1", "tuvaliVersion": "v0.4.3-768a7fc", "dateTime": "Wed Sep 06 2023 14:11:37 GMT+0530", "zone": "Asia/Calcutta", "offset": -330, "preferredLanguage": "English" } }

Data which should not be captured in Telemetry

  • User’s personal information (PII)

    • user id, name, device model name, device storage, signatures and certificates, device id

  • Credentials related information

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