In biometric field we have to capture all the attributes mentioned in the array associated with id "bioAttributes".
There is a special scenario in which the age group matches the expression associated with id "ageGroup" present within the id "conditionalBioAttributes". In this scenario we show the attributes associated with id "bioAttributes" present within the id "conditionalBioAttributes" on UI available for capturing. Also the validation will then happen using the expression associated with id "validationExpr" present within the id "conditionalBioAttributes".
The text file present as an attachment with this article contains New Process Schema.
"order": 4,
"name": "BiometricDetails",
"label": {
"ara": "التفاصيل البيومترية",
"tam": "பயோமெட்ரிக் விவரங்கள்",
"fra": "Détails biométriques",
"kan": "ಬಯೋಮೆಟ್ರಿಕ್ ವಿವರಗಳು",
"hin": "बॉयोमीट्रिक विवरण",
"eng": "Biometric Details"
"caption": null,
"fields": [
"id": "individualBiometrics",
"inputRequired": true,
"type": "biometricsType",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 0,
"description": "Applicant Biometrics mosip123",
"label": {
"ara": "المقاييس الحيوية لمقدم الطلب",
"tam": "விண்ணப்பதாரர் பயோமெட்ரிக்ஸ்",
"fra": "Applicant Biometrics mosip123",
"kan": "ಅರ್ಜಿದಾರ ಬಯೋಮೆಟ್ರಿಕ್ಸ್",
"hin": "आवेदक बायोमेट्रिक्स",
"eng": "Applicant Biometrics mosip123"
"controlType": "biometrics",
"fieldType": "default",
"format": "none",
"validators": [],
"fieldCategory": "pvt",
"alignmentGroup": null,
"visible": null,
"contactType": null,
"group": "Biometrics",
"groupLabel": {
"tam": "பயோமெட்ரிக்ஸ்",
"ara": "القياسات الحيوية",
"fra": "Biométrie",
"kan": "ಬಯೋಮೆಟ್ರಿಕ್ಸ್",
"hin": "बॉयोमेट्रिक्स",
"eng": "Biometrics"
"changeAction": null,
"transliterate": false,
"templateName": null,
"fieldLayout": null,
"locationHierarchy": null,
"conditionalBioAttributes": [
"ageGroup": "INFANT",
"process": "ALL",
"validationExpr": "face",
"bioAttributes": [
"required": true,
"bioAttributes": [
"requiredOn": [],
"subType": "applicant",
"exceptionPhotoRequired": true
"id": "introducerBiometrics",
"inputRequired": true,
"type": "biometricsType",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 0,
"description": "introducerBiometrics",
"label": {
"ara": "المقاييس الحيوية المقدّمة",
"tam": "அறிமுகம் பயோமெட்ரிக்ஸ்",
"fra": "Introducteur Biométrie",
"kan": "ಪರಿಚಯಕಾರ ಬಯೋಮೆಟ್ರಿಕ್ಸ್",
"hin": "परिचयकर्ता बायोमेट्रिक्स",
"eng": "Introducer Biometrics"
"controlType": "biometrics",
"fieldType": "default",
"format": "none",
"validators": [],
"fieldCategory": "pvt",
"alignmentGroup": null,
"visible": null,
"contactType": null,
"group": "Biometrics",
"groupLabel": {
"tam": "பயோமெட்ரிக்ஸ்",
"ara": "القياسات الحيوية",
"fra": "Biométrie",
"kan": "ಬಯೋಮೆಟ್ರಿಕ್ಸ್",
"hin": "बॉयोमेट्रिक्स",
"eng": "Biometrics"
"changeAction": null,
"transliterate": false,
"templateName": null,
"fieldLayout": null,
"locationHierarchy": null,
"conditionalBioAttributes": [
"ageGroup": "INFANT",
"process": "ALL",
"validationExpr": "leftEye || rightEye || rightIndex || rightLittle || rightRing || rightMiddle || leftIndex || leftLittle || leftRing || leftMiddle || leftThumb || rightThumb || face",
"bioAttributes": [
"required": false,
"bioAttributes": [
"requiredOn": [
"engine": "MVEL",
"expr": "(identity.get('ageGroup') == 'INFANT' || identity.get('ageGroup') == 'MINOR')"
"subType": "introducer",
"exceptionPhotoRequired": true
"layoutTemplate": null,
"preRegFetchRequired": false,
"additionalInfoRequestIdRequired": false,
"active": false
}Here in the BiometricDetails screen we can see two fields present with id names as "individualBiometrics" and "introducerBiometrics" respectively.
When the age group is :
anything other than INFANT : All the attributes mentioned within "bioAttributes" will have to be captured for "individualBiometrics".
INFANT : Only face will have to be captured for "individualBiometrics" because the id "validationExpr" present within "conditionalBioAttributes" contains only face.
Similarly for "introducerBiometrics" when age group is infant validation will be done based on the validation expression present in id "validationExpr" within "conditionalBioAttributes".