RCF: Scope Definition for 0.11.0 release

RCF: Scope Definition for 0.11.0 release

This space is created to document the scope of Stable release for Android Registration Client (1.0.0).

S. No

 Feature Description

 Action Items


Link to Jira

S. No

 Feature Description

 Action Items


Link to Jira


Match SDK (operator cannot put his biometrics during applicant registration)

Design discussion required + feasibility check and building

Publish design to vendors for them to build matching SDKs

@Humair Kankudti Md

RCF-351: As an Operator, my biometrics should not be accepted when I am registering an applicant.Closed


Lost UIN

Out of Scope

@G S Prakash

Lost UIN


Update UIN: As an Operator/ supervisor, I should be able to update UIN data of the residents

Build Given to QA

@Piyush Shukla

Update UIN


Manual Application upload/export: As an Operator/ supervisor, I should be able to manually Upload/export packet

Build Given to QA

@Aditya Singh

Manual Application upload/export


Download pre-reg data: As an Operator/ supervisor, I should be able to download pre-registration data

PR Merged

@Sachin S P

Download Pre-registration Data

Note: We should make changes to pre-registration for the residents to be able to book home appointments.



Build given to QA

@G S Prakash

RCF-509: As an Operator/ Supervisor, I should be able to Logout from Android Registration ClientClosed


As an Operator, I should be able to run ARC in Landscape mode

In progress


Run ARC in landscape mode


As an Operator, I should be able to run ARC on phone screen



Run ARC on phone

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