Post Release
Task | Status | Date | Reference/Comments |
PMO @HariKrishna Reddy | |||
Facilitate KT session to Acedemia & Dessimination team. |
Perform retro for the engg team and process improvements. |
Deploy the release onto CRE environment. |
Deploy the automation scripts used also into CRE environment. |
PO @Pragya | |||
Verify the need for getting 3rd party security testing |
Coordinate with external stakeholder to adopt the release |
Facilitate move of release to various environments. MEC | Collab | Synergy | etc. |
Perform a sanity testing on the collab env. |
Dev @Sachin S P , @G S Prakash , @Aditya Singh , @Humair Kankudti Md | |||
Assure that Release branch code is merged back to develop branch. |
Check the released artifacts and point to them in the develop branch. |
| @Vishwanath V to check and get back. |
DevSecOps @Rakshitha M | |||
Update release versions for the repos in confluence |
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