ARC 0.10.0 Documentation Release Checklist

Lead documentation writer of the project to ensure all the below checklist tasks are performed and the status is updated before the Go/NoGo release call.



Status Date


Repos released and tags

Release notes reviewed by all stake holders

Sharing documentation link in the channel




  • The list of tasks against which the status needs to be updated. Since it’s a template, go ahead to add/modify as required


  • Go - Go ahead from the stake holder to release for a given stream

  • NoGo - Stake holder does not want the release to go for a given stream

  • In-progress - Work is in progress to provide final decision for a given stream

  • NA - Specific part of section is not applicable for this release for a given stream

Status Date:

  • Enter the date when the Status was provided for a given stream


  • Enter the comments as relevant for a given stream