ARC 0.10.0 QA Release Checklist
Lead tester of the project to ensure all the below checklist tasks are performed and the status is updated before the post-release activity.
Tasks | Status | Complete by date | Comments |
Sanity testing is perform on the deployment test environment |
Test automation result on a deployment test environment is acceptable (ref below table) |
Deployment testing is performed |
Deployment documentation is reviewed |
Upgrade testing is performed |
Upgrade documentation is reviewed |
Functional documentation is reviewed |
Detailed test report is available |
Backward compatibility testing is performed |
iOS App Store publish ready (before release) |
Android Play Store publish ready |
Test Automation Result Post Release Deployment Testing
| Total | Pass | Fail | Skipped |
ID Repo API |
Pre Reg API |
Resident API |
Master Data API |
eSignet API |
MobileID API |
Pre Reg UI |
Reg Client UI |
Admin UI |
The list of tasks against which the status needs to be updated. Since it’s a template, go ahead to add/modify as required
Go - Go ahead from the stake holder to release for a given stream
NoGo - Stake holder does not want the release to go for a given stream
In-progress - Work is in progress to provide final decision for a given stream
NA - Specific part of section is not applicable for this release for a given stream
Enter the date when the Status was provided for a given stream
Enter the comments as relevant for a given stream