ARC: Configuration Guide

ARC: Configuration Guide

This space is created to document the configuration guide for Android Reg Client.

Reference configuration guide for Registration Client: https://docs.mosip.io/1.2.0/modules/registration-client/registration-client-configuration


ARC Reg Client


This Android Reg Client Configuration Guide lists down important properties that can be configured based on preference. The properties listed here are not exhaustive, but a checklist to review properties that are likely to be configured.

All the properties are synced to the Android Registration Client from registration-default.properties file.

Configuration Files:




SBI related configurations:

Timeouts in milliseconds set during any http calls to SBI.



Quality score threshold based on modality, Possible values 1 to 100



Retry attemps, Possible values 1 to 10



Quality score threshold based on modality for operator authentication, Possible values 1 to 100


Batch Size:

Jobs like RID sync, packet upload, status sync is carried out in batches, number of registration records to be executed in a batch on every trigger.


Scheduled Jobs:

Default CRON expression for scheduling the Jobs.

mosip.registration.sync_jobs_restart_freq=0 0 */11 ? * *

Other Configurations:


Enables / disables reviewer authentication on any biometric exception during registration


If enabled cross-checks of residents biometrics with locally stored operator biometric templates.


Minimum disk space required to create a packet - in MB


Maximum no. of days for approved packet pending to be synced to server beyond which Registration Client is frozen for registration


No. of days beyond audit creation date to delete audits


Maximum duration to which registration is permitted without sync of master data


Allowed number of invalid login attempts


Configuration used to check if any sync job is missed / failed beyond expected days, this configuration is checked everytime operator clicks on any registration process. We follow below convention to create this config key.

mosip.registration.job api name as in sync_job_def table.frequency=value in days


Date Formats:

Date format to be displayed on acknowledgement slip, default value - dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm a


Date format to be displayed on Registration Client dashboard, default format - dd MMM hh:mm a



Supporting properties for 1.1.5.x server compatibility:

As 1.1.5.x versions did not have ui-specs, in android regclient, the backward compatibility is handled by migrating 1.1.5.x schema to LTS UI Spec structure.

To handle this migration, we have added some configurations and templates to support the 1.1.5.x server compatibility. Those configurations are listed below.

  • mosip.registration.consent-screen-template-name=reg-consent-screen-content-template

    • Consent screen is not a part of 1.1.5.x schema structure. So, we are completely fetching this consent screen content from “master.template" table, and the templateTypeCode for the consent screen content is mentioned in the above configuration.

  • mosip.registration.individual-biometrics-id=individualBiometrics

    • The id of individual biometrics should be mentioned in the above property according to the configured 1.1.5.x schema.

  • mosip.registration.introducer-biometrics-id=guardianBiometrics

    • The id of guardian / introducer biometrics should be mentioned in the above property according to the configured 1.1.5.x schema.

  • mosip.registration.infant-agegroup-name=INFANT

    • The age-group name for infants (aged below 5 years) which is configured in the configured server should be mentioned in the above property.

  • mosip.registration.agegroup-config={"INFANT":{"bioAttributes":["face"],"isGuardianAuthRequired":true},"ADULT":{"bioAttributes":["leftEye","rightEye","rightIndex","rightLittle","rightRing","rightMiddle","leftIndex","leftLittle","leftRing","leftMiddle","leftThumb","rightThumb","face"],"isGuardianAuthRequired":false},"SENIOR_CITIZEN":{"bioAttributes":["leftEye","rightEye","rightIndex","rightLittle","rightRing","rightMiddle","leftIndex","leftLittle","leftRing","leftMiddle","leftThumb","rightThumb","face"],"isGuardianAuthRequired":false}}

    • The above property indicates list of age-groups, required bio-attributes, and a flag which indicates guardian authentication is required or not. This property should be changed according to the server configuration and requirements.

  • mosip.registration.allowed-bioattributes=leftEye,rightEye,rightIndex,rightLittle,rightRing,rightMiddle,leftIndex,leftLittle,leftRing,leftMiddle,leftThumb,rightThumb,face

    • The above property defines the list of bio-attributes that are allowed for scanning during registration. If there are any changes in the server, it should be changed accordingly.

  • mosip.registration.default-app-type-code=000

    • The above property defines the default applicantTypeCode. In LTS, we have applicanttype.mvel script to fetch the documents according to the age, gender and some other attributes. Based on the applicant details, the script returns an applicantTypeCode which can be any value from “000” to “014”, and respective documents will be fetched from master.applicant_valid_document table. But we do not have this script defined in 1.1.5.x, to handle this, we have added a default applicantTypeCode.



Ensure that preview and acknowledge templates are present in template table of mosip_master database with the following type code







Logout from ARC will check for any running background tasks in the background. And ask user that if user is still wants to logout from the application.

  • If user click on logout on the popup all the jobs that are running and scheduled jobs will stop.

  • If no jobs running in the background, Simply user will logout and navigate to login screen.

  • There are no configuration changes required for logout in ARC.

Enhanced version


Logout from ARC will check for any running background tasks in the background. Ask the user if the user still wants to logout from the application.

  • If the user clicks on logout on the popup, all the jobs running and scheduled jobs will stop.

  • If no jobs are running in the background, the user will simply log out and navigate to the login screen.

  • No configuration changes are required to log out of ARC.



Selected Handles:

  • Inside ClientManager/RegistrationConstants.java file define variable for selectedHandle key as:

public static final String SELECTED_HANDLES = "mosip.registration.default-selected-handle-fields";


  • As shown in the above image define the selected handles as per Id-Schema in the environment. And this is the link to add / update the fields to set as selected handles by default it will navigate to develop1 branch.  

  • And then in GlobalParamRepository.java use this method to access the values of selected handle-fields

public List<String> getSelectedHandles() {         String value = globalParamMap.getOrDefault(RegistrationConstants.SELECTED_HANDLES, "");         return Arrays.asList(value.split(RegistrationConstants.COMMA)).stream()                 .map(String::trim)                 .filter(item-> !item.isEmpty())                 .distinct()                 .collect(Collectors.toList());     }

  • Inside SubmitRegistrationDto method in RegistrationServiceImpl.java use this code to add selectedHandles into the packet:

if(selectedHandles != null) { if (this.registrationDto.getFlowType().equals("NEW")) { this.registrationDto.getDemographics().put("selectedHandles", selectedHandles); } }


  • We have to do some changes in below files as well.


  1.  id-repository-default.properties (Click on the text to navigate to docs)



  1. id-authentication-default.properties (Click on the text to navigate to docs)



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