Scope of Ethiopia handover

Scope of Ethiopia handover

This space is created to document the scope of Ethiopia handover.


Scope of Ethiopia Handover I

Tentative date of release: 13th OCT (intermediate release)


Status | ETA


Status | ETA

New Registration

  1. Initial Sync Done

  2. Operator login Done

  3. New registration Done

    1. Demographic details Done

    2. Document upload in-progress - Sachin - Optional

    3. Biometric details Done

    4. Preview Done

    5. Acknowledgment Done

    6. Auto packet sync and packet upload Done

Must Have


13th OCT.

Ancillary features

  1. Transliteration in-progress -Aditya (6th October) - Descope for now.

  2. Print acknowledgement Done

  3. Supports portrait mode in-progress - Nadeem - Descope for now.

  4. Support landscape mode Done


1.1.5 compatible in-progress

Himaja - Must Have

From 03rd OCT to 06th OCT-23.

Blocker and critical bugs in-progress

Team - Must Have

QA sanity tested

Must Have

Audit in-progress

29th September - Descope

Logging in-progress

29th September - Descope

Test with real SBI in-progress

29th September - Descope

Usability fixes in-progress

Nadeem - Descope






Mandatory Tasks for Android Reg Client

  1. Code tagging - Code tag to be mentioned in the release notes

  2. Dependent module tags- Repos released

  3. Documentation

    1. Overview

    2. Release Notes:

      1. Version details with code tag

      2. Dependent module tags- Repos released

      3. Configuration Guide

      4. Video

  4. Move to Collab / Synergy

  5. Community Announcements




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