Change the Default Mosip Modules password
For changing the default passwords of the mosip modules we need to change the parameters in config-repo as well after following the below mentioned steps:
The config parameters to be updated are as follows:
Passwords to be updated for DB:
javax.persistence.jdbc.password: → DB Passwords //// master DB password → mosip-admin-services-client secret key
mosip.iam.module.clientsecret → mosip-admin-client secret
mosip.kernel.pdf_owner_password → Any value as per need → Minio
data.share.token.request.secretKey → mosip-datsha-client secret key
data.share.token.request.password → un-assigned parameter //// It is there in case in future userid and password is used in
mosip.ida.database.password → DB Passwords
mosip.ida.auth.secretKey → mosip-ida-client secret
ida-websub-authtype-callback-secret → can be anything
ida-websub-credential-issue-callback-secret → can be anything just used for subcription
mosip.kernel.keymanager.softhsm.keystore-pass → Softhsm Password
keymanager_database_password → ida db
mosip.idrepo.db.identity.password → idrepo db password
mosip.idrepo.db.vid.password → idmap db password
mosip.credential.service.jdbc.password → credential service db password
credential.request.token.request.secretKey → mosip-crereg-client secret key
credential.service.token.request.secretKey → mosip-creser-client secret
mosip.kernel.keymanager.softhsm.keystore-pass → keystore pass
mosip.kernel.auth.secret.key → mosip-auth-client secret key
mosip.kernel.ida.secret.key → mosip-ida-client secret key
admin_database_password → admin db password
syncjob_database_password → syncjob db password
audit_database_password → audit db password
masterdata_database_password → master db password
uin_database_password → uin db password
id_database_password → id db password
vid_database_password → kernel db password
prid_database_password → prid db password
keymanager_database_password → keymanager db password
otpmanager_database_password → kerneluser db password
syncdata_database_password → masteruser password
licensekeymanager_database_password → masteruser password
ridgenerator_database_password → regprcuser password
iam.datasource.password → iamuser password
db_1_DS.datastore.password → iamuser password //// can be anything.
db_2_DS.datastore.password → iamuser password //// can be anything.
mosip.admin.clientsecret → mosip-admin-client secret key
db_3_DS.keycloak.password → keycloak db password
mosip.keycloak.admin.secret.key → admin-cli secret key
mosip.kernel.prereg.secret.key → mosip-prereg-client secret key
mosip.kernel.registrationclient.secret.key → mosip-reg-client secret
mosip.pmp.database.password → pmp db password
mosip.authdevice.database.password → authdeviceuser password
mosip.regdevice.database.password → regdevice db password
mosip.pmp.auth.secretKey → mosip-partner-client secret key
mosip.keycloak.admin.secret.key → keycloak
javax.persistence.jdbc.password → prereg db password
mosip.batch.token.authmanager.password → mosip-prereg-client secret key
secretKey → mosip-prereg-client secret key → recaptcha site key
google.recaptcha.secret.key → recaptcha secret
mosip.event.secret → used for websub callback can be anything...
token.request.password → currently not used can be commented out
token.request.secretKey → mosip-regproc-client secret
javax.persistence.jdbc.password → regpruser db password
token.request.secretKey → mosip-regproc-client secret
javax.persistence.jdbc.password → regperuser db password
token.request.password → as of now no need
token.request.secretKey → mosip-regproc-client secret key
registration.processor.queue.password → activemq
resident.secretKey → mosip-resident-client secret key
token.request.secretKey → mosip-regproc-client secret key
Update the new passwords in the secrets.yaml in the mosip-infra.
After modifying default passwords in secrets.yml, generate the ciphers of these passwords using below command from the console once the config-server is up and running or the scripts provided later:
curl -d <string password to be encrypted> after creating the ciphers of the required passwords needed to update it in all the required fields in property files in config-repo.
For all the Keycloak’s secrets changes needed to change the secrets in the below yaml and then run the keycloak playbook.
command to run playbook from sb folder:
an playbooks/keycloak.yml
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