Deployment Dependencies Checkist

Deployment Dependencies Checkist



Task owners

Dependencies and Status



SLE Pilot Github readiness & Dockerhub account creation.





MOSIP team to come out with a design and approach for Migration tool





Creation of SLE Pilot Sandbox
and operationalize with
default schema



Make sure the DB is outside the cluster and accepts 1000 connections


Share ID Schema and Master data to SLE team





Share JSON structure to SLE team to export their existing resident data into MOSIP format





Get the mocks up and running on SLE sandbox





  • Discuss and conclude the reg client and Pre-reg customization needs.

  • Get the SMS and Email configuration details from SLE





Review and upload the ID Schema and master data on SLE sandbox





Pre-reg customization 





Reg-client customization 





SMS and Email configuration on SLE sandbox





Prepare the SLE-sandbox to work with real biometric, Real ABIS and Real SDK





Print service 





SLE team to export the existing resident data and share with MOSIP as JSON file





Get ready for demo using mock by MOSIP team on the SLE sandbox with customization





Prepare Auth UI for auth demo with basic customizations 





Implement migration utility to import data into MOSIP server





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