Steps to test MOSIP authentication
As part of this document, we would be providing the steps to run the authentication demo application and configuration of the API.
Postman with postman collection having APIs for authentication:
Authentication Demo Service:
Authentication Demo UI:
1. Run the Partner Demo Services
2. Install Postman and import the collection attached in the prerequisites.
3. Run the Mock Mds
4. Download the authentication demo UI from MOSIP’s GitHub and run it.
1. Running the Partner Demo Service
a. Download the Authentication Demo Service from the GitHub mentioned in the Prerequisites
b. extract and build it by using the command: maven clean install
c. Change the URL in the . This properties file can be copied from the resources folder of the authentication-demo-service source code:
d. Run the below command in the command prompt to start the Authentication Demo Service
NOTE: change the Denv.user and Denv.endpoint with the respective domain
Example: java -Denv.user=minibox2 -Denv.endpoint= -Denv.testLevel=smoke -jar authentication-demo-service-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
e. Authentication demo service is started
2. Install the postman and import the collection attached in the prerequisites
a. Run the collection and it will create the IDA-DomainName folder inside the temp
3. Download the authentication demo UI from MOSIP’s GitHub and run it
a. Extract and build it by using the command: maven clean install
b. After the build is successful, the keys folder will be generated.
c. Paste the below two certificates inside the keys folder as below:
Example: E:\MOSIP_CODEBASE\mosip-ref-impl\authentication-demo-ui\keys
1. Take rp-partner.p12 from temp---->replace this 647-partner.p12
2. Take partner certificate and unescaped \n and save as 647-partner.cer
3. Paste these certificates inside keys folder.
Take the partner certificate from below Swagger :
c.1. Upload the partner certificate by using the Swagger link {{url}}/v1/partnermanager/partners/certificate/upload
c.2. Take the signed certificate from the response,
Take the above certificate and remove \n
from the above certificate by
Save it as with partner id-partner.cer (example: 647-partner.cer
) and paste it inside the key folder.
c.3. Take the rp-partner.p12 file from the temp folder (ex: rp-partner.p12
) and rename it to 647-partner.p12
d. ID-Authentication-Demo-UI.bat
Modify the bat file according to the environment. place the Partner ID, API key, and license key.
Ex: java -Dida.request.captureFinger.deviceId=2 -Dida.request.captureIris.deviceId=1 -Dida.request.captureFace.deviceId=3 -Dmosip.base.url= -DmispLicenseKey=0HNCpivCqbW7ULCIwChsgogYc7f3K5zEjQHUb8DwUiFXR8VODb -DpartnerId=647 -DpartnerOrg=minibox2 -DpartnerApiKey=789502 -Dfinger.device.subid=1 -jar "./target/authentication-demo-ui-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
And run the mock MDS.
e. Run the bat file
Authentication Response Screenshots
a. OTP AUTH Request
a.1. OTP request
a.2. Enter the Proxy OTs as 11111
a.3. OTP Authentication:
b. Biometric Authentication
b.1. Face: Run the mock MDS and capture the face
b.2. Face Auth Success
b3. Fingerprint Auth
b4. Iris Capture
b5. Iris Auth Success
f) Mock MDS Link :
Authentication Using API :
a)Run the Partner Demo Services
b) Run the collection for Performing AUTH for Demo
i)Regproc authentication:
ii)get the record from ID Repo for UIN
iii)create Auth request
iv)ID Auth Request
iii)Bio Auth using API