SOP-EVP-01: Script to clear all the evicted pods

SOP-EVP-01: Script to clear all the evicted pods

Date: 1st October 2021
MOSIP Version: v1.1.4.x and v1.1.5.x


With Continous working of services therein production there could be many pods (eg. receiver) which will be in the evicted state due to the below-mentioned reasons:

  1. DiskPressure on the node.

  2. OOM

  3. CPU limit reached.

For now, we face normal evictions in the services out there in both the clusters. We just need to remove the evicted pods from time to time so that they may not accumulate more and consume the memory out there.


To remove all the evicted pods go to the sandboxv2 folder and execute the below command to run the script and clear the evicted pods.

  1. sb (alias to go to sandboxv2 folder)

  2. sh utils/misc/evicted.sh (to clear the evicted pods)


<run kc2 get pods - check ---->


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