How to Publish the UI Spec and ID schema
NOTE: The procedure below is followed for, the same is applicable for all other environments using the relevant URLs and Databases.
Here the steps are given for publishing a new process, the same can be followed for the update, lost and biometric processes. detailed the steps for adding certificates for a credential partner in MOSIP.
Authenticate using the swagger URL given below
Give Try it out, Get the secret key from Rancheràmec2àStorageàSecretsà keycloak client secretsàmosip-reg-client and Paste it here. The Body should be as follows.
Execute it. The Response will be as follows.
· Step 2:
To upload the JSON, Use the swagger URL –master data/ui-spec-controller/post-Ui-spec
· Give try it out.
Identity Schema - Get the ID from the databaseàmosip_masteràschemasàmasteràtablesàIdentity_schemaàselect script and run the queryàcopy the latest Id from the table and paste it into the body.
Domain, Title, Description, Type- Check the latest version of the ui-spec in the databaseàmosip_masteràschemasàmasteràtablesàUI-specàselect script and run the queryàFind the last updated version of the new process(say 0.8) and the copy and paste the relevant details from the table.
Jsonspec- Copy the respective JSON for the new process, remove the extra braces and paste.
· The sample body will be as follows.
· Execute, The response code will be as follows, when the upload is successful.
· From the response body copy the id and refer to the below pic.
Step 3:·
To publish the UI-spec-
Use the master data swagger URL /Ui-spec-controller/put-Uispec-publish.
· Try it out and paste the id value in place of the ID of the request body. Refer below,
· And follow the same steps as of step 3 in publishing the UI-Spec.
· To confirm the publish, check in the databaseàmosip_masteràschemasàmasteràtables àIdentity_schemaàselect script and run the queryàThe last updated version will be found(say 0.2 to 0.3).