Resident services: How the resident service will work

Resident services: How the resident service will work




  1. Generate VID

  • ·       Perform resident Authentication

  • ·       Send OTP

  • ·       Generate VID





  • ·       Send OTP

  • ·       Perform Auth-lock





  • ·       Send OTP

  • ·       Perform Auth-Unlock




4.Update UIN

  • ·       Send OTP

  • ·       Update UIN

  • ·       Get Record from IDRepo

Request to update the data

Example : Here we are updating address.

{ "identity": { "addressLine1": [{ "language": "fra", "value": "Bengaluru" }, { "language": "ara", "value": "كُُرگ" } ], "IDSchemaVersion": 0.2, "UIN": "6836907103" } }
  • Then Run the get record from IDREPO to check weather the fields are updated.

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