How to upload packets using Admin Portal?

How to upload packets using Admin Portal?

Here are steps documented to upload packets using admin portal.


Steps to upload packets using admin portal.

  1. Go to the Admin Portal using the below URL



  2. Enter the admin credentials to login to the admin portal (the user with roles - ZONAL_ADMIN, GLOBAL_ADMIN and MASTERDATA_ADMIN) is allowed to login to admin portal.


  3. Go to Bulk Upload > Packets Menu to go to the Packet Upload dashboard


  4. Click on the Upload Packet Button and go to the Packet Upload Screen


  5. Click on Choose File to select the Packets and then click on the Upload button


For uploading the packets through you need to make sure that the packet is available in the folders of the machine or the external hard disk connected where the Admin Portal is being used.
”N” number of packets can be uploaded in one shot but the size of the overall packet depends on the allowed size in nginx (default is 100 mb).

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