Auth demo UI - Setup
ID-Auth demo application setup guide
Part -1 To configure and build the partner management tool
Step 1:
Download the zip file of the Partner-management tool using the link given below
note: download the appropriate branch needed(Here used is 1.2.0).
Step 2:
Unzip and through the path → gist-1.2.0\partnermanagement\src\main\resources
open the and do the below mentioned changes.
Change the url of the relevant environment being used.
2. Update the key of the mosip-pms-client at the place of mosip.authenticate.client.secretkey.
refer below.
3. Update the key of the mosip-reproc-client at the place of token.request.secretKey.
reference below.
4. Create one user in keycloak or for the existing user -assign PARTNER_ADMIN, PMS_ADMIN And POLICYMANAGER roles in keycloak.
and as per the picture change the username and password as per the user u have.
Save the property file.
5. Now Build the tool using the command given below and refer the picture for the build path.
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
6. After the successful build, A target folder is been generated.
Now run the jar using the command given below and refer the picture for the path.
java -jar partnermanagement-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
7. By running the jar, the below swagger url will be accessible to create the partner.
Note: Keep the jar file running so that the swagger link be accessible.
Part-2 To Create Authentication and misp partner user in keycloak
Step 1:
Login to the keycloak --> users --> add users-->fill in the details and save.
Create two users one is for auth partner and other is for misp partner.
Username example – 1. For auth partner - mpartner-auth-003 and
2. For misp partner - mpartner-misp-003.
Step 2:
Set the password in the credentials option.
Note : Copy the password from the of the Partner management tool
and use here.
Step 3:
For the created user assign the roles in the role mapping option as below.
For the auth partner user, map the role – AUTH_PARTNER from the available roles.
For the misp partner user, map the role – MISP_PARTNER from the available roles.
Part-3 To create policy group and auth policy
Step 1:
Create another user or use existing user and map the following roles :-
PARTNER_ADMIN, PMS_ADMIN And POLICYMANAGER , with this user Login to the
partner management Portal.
step 2:
Create policy group by clicking --> policy--> policy group--> create policy group.
Enter the policy group name , description and save.
Reference picture below.
Step 3:
To create auth policy--> click auth policy -->create auth policy-->
Enter the name and description--> select the policy group which is been created lately.
Add the policies data, given below --> save and Activate. Refer the picture below.
Part-4 To Register AUTH and MISP partner
Step 1:
To Register auth partner, Use the swagger (refer part 1-- > step 7)-->
configure partner/create partner → try it out--> copy and paste the below given body
and execute.
Note: Edit the partner id, organization name, policy group and policy name as same as
You’ve created. Refer below.
"environmentVersion": "LTS",
"partnerModel": {
"partnerAddress": "BLR",
"partnerContactNumber": "9876543210",
"partnerEmailId": "",
"partnerId": "mpartner-auth-21",
"partnerOrganizationName": "mpartner-auth-21",
"partnerType": "AUTH",
"policyGroup": "mpolicy-auth-21"
"policyName": "mpolicy-auth-21"
NOTE:- Remove the extra spaces in the request, before executing.
Step 2 :
From the response, copy the partnerApiKey value for the upcoming use.
Step 3 :
To Register misp partner, Use the same swagger --> configure partner/create partner -->
try it out-->copy and paste the below given body and execute.
Note: Edit the partner id, partner organization name, as same as you’ve created. Ref below.
"environmentVersion": "LTS",
"partnerModel": {
"partnerAddress": "Aurangabad",
"partnerContactNumber": "9999999999",
"partnerEmailId": "",
"partnerId": "mpartner-misp-0003",
"partnerOrganizationName": "mpartner-misp-0003",
"partnerType": "MISP" ,
"policyGroup": "mpolicy-auth-21" }
Step 4 :
From the response copy the partnerMispLicenseKey value for the upcoming use.
Step 5 :
After the partner creation, .p12 file will be generated inside the temp folder. Find the temp folder
in the below mentioned path.
C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Temp\IDA-localhost\mpartner-auth-0003 (Or Use windows + R and search %temp%)
Copy the certificates created and rename them as same as your partner id.
Step 6 :
Download the Id- Authentication demo application UI from the below given link.
Note: the download from the relevant branch needed.
Step 7 :
Now place the renamed certificates into the keys folder of the Authentication-demo-UI. Refer below.
Step 8 :
In the of the Authentication-demo-UI edit the following fields and
save the file.
Paste the partnerApiKey and partnerMispLicenseKey which was generated while creating partner.
Add the mosip-regproc-client secret key.
Change the partner id and organization name.
Edit the environment url.
Reference picture below.
Step 9 :
Run the ID-Authentication-Demo-UI.bat .
-----------END OF THE DOCUMENT------------