Using regular gmail (@gmail.com) for Notifications

Using regular gmail (@gmail.com) for Notifications

In this note, let us understand what needs to be done to use regular gmail accounts <username>@gmail.com for the purpose of MOSIP notifications. Please note that this is only for testing and not to be used for National production and pilot rollouts.


  1. Create a new gmail account and better to name it as <something>noreply@gmail.com

  2. Enable Two-step verification on the created gmail account. See https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185839

    1. After enabling two-step verification, generate an App Password for the gmail.


Then, enter “MOSIP Server” in the field provided and click the blue GENERATE button.

Your App password generated will be something like above.

3. Use the App password in MOSIP email password configuration



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