How to modify UIN/VID length
How to modify UIN/VID length
This is the step by step instruction to increase or decrease the length of the UIN or VID.
Change the following property in application-default.properties.
FOR UIN - mosip.kernel.uin.length
FOR VID - mosip.kernel.vid.length
Bringdown kernel id generator service. In the Deployments scale down to zero.
In the mosip_kernel db → clean up all the records in the following table.
FOR UIN – uin table –> run the query → truncate table kernel.uin
FOR VID – vid table – > run the query → truncate table kernel.vidBring up the id generator service, once the pod is up – check the uin/vid table for records. Verify if the table is seeded with uin/vid of the altered length.
Restart Idrepo – Vid service pod.
Test by Generating a new UIN/VID.
, multiple selections available,
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