Unable to perform On-boarding in Registration Client

Unable to perform On-boarding in Registration Client


In Registration Client, it is mandatory for an operator for performing onboarding. During onboarding, an operator need to provide his/her biometrics for authentication which is verified by the ID authentication internal service via. Registration processor.

But after providing the biometrics we could see that onboarding could performed.

Root Cause Analysis

The issue can occur due to the below reasons,

  1. There is no mapping for operator’s RID in the IAM

  2. There is mapping but the field attribute name is not set properly as “rid”

  3. The RID set is not valid and doesn’t have a valid UIN mapped

  4. The UIN is not available in identity cache of IDA

  5. The biometrics authentication fails for the operator


The issue is resolved by making sure the below steps are be followed before we initiate onboarding,

  1. The operator should have registered in MOSIP and his/her UIN should be available in identity cache and authentication should be allowed for the UIN (biometric authentication should not be locked & UIN should be active)

  2. The RID of the user should be mapped against the operator’s user ID in the IAM and the attribute name should be “rid” (it is case sensitive)

  3. The ID Authentication and Registration Processor services should be up and running

If the operator is the first user in MOSIP ecosystem then we can give the operator, the role called “Default” (it is case sensitive), so that, on-boarding step in the registration client can be bypassed for the operator.

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