Registration center is not available

Registration center is not available


After entering demographic data and documents we have reached the preview screen. After preview we click on book appointment and get an error message stating that registration center is not available.


This error occurs basically when there is not center mapped to the location selected by the applicant. Hence, to identify the best solution to resolve this issue you might need to analyze the center related master data.

  1. In the registration center table, identify to which location hierarchy all the centers are mapped using the location_code column.

    1. Verify if the location code is mapped to various location hierarchies (i.e. Center 1 is mapped to a city but Center 2 is mapped to a region and Center 3 is mapped to state, etc.) or not.

    2. If Yes, then correct the master data by mapping all the centers to the location hierarchy to which all the centers can be mapped.

  2. Now, make sure the that location code is set in pre-registration under the property preregistration.recommended.centers.locCode

    1. If not, then update the locCode and restart pre-registration application service.

  3. Based on the location code (for that hierarchy) selected by the application verify if any center is available or not.

    1. If not, add the center for that location code.

    2. If yes, then make sure the center is active and contact the Tech team.

It is mandatory in pre-registration to have centers for a location hierarchy level (may be the level is postal code, city, province or even the country itself)

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